Chapter 32 ~ The truth. The REAL truth. Pt 1

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Garroth's POV
"If I had stayed.... I would have hur--  No. He would have hurt you." I explained.
"Who is he?"
"Me. Well, another version of me."
"I don't get it. Could you explain?"

(Zane POV)
"I'll make you a deal, huh?" She asked.
"Tell me who you are first. I don't make deals with people I just met." I said.
"My name is Sarah McKallie. I work as a scientist and potion maker."
"I... see... So what deal do you want to make with me?"
"You need a potion that will fix your eye, correct? I'll give it to you for free if you just do a small favor for me."
"Yes. You see, I've been hired to create a remedy for those who suffer certain illnesses. I have completed the remedy but have no one to test it on. If you could test it on something with the blood type of B- then it would really help."
At first I was slightly unsure about what she was telling me but she came me a whole page of info. It looked pretty legit. Who do I know with that blood type? I think that's Garroth's blood type... I should ask.

I walked up to his house and knocked on the door. "Garroth! Stop sleeping and answer the door!" I yelled.
After a while of waiting I started to get impatient. I called him on his cell but there was no reply.
"Well shit." I cursed.
I started to walk back to my own house around the block. When arriving, I threw myself on the lounge sighing as loud as possible hoping the whole neighborhood could hear me. "Now what? I said I'll get it done by today..."
I lied there for a while thinking for a solution to my problem. I realized if I can't get a hold of Garroth I'm screwed. I picked up my phone and tried calling him again. No answer. I decided to call Laurance to see if he new where Garroth was.
The phone rung for a while before I got a reply.
"Hey, Laurance. Sorry to get straight to the point but I need to know wher---"
"HA! Sorry but this is just my voice mail! If you need me just leave a message, k?"
I seriously hate that dude.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now