Chapter 23 ~ Date?

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Dante's POV
I was expecting Travis to chase me so I ran to the other side of the house only to realize that he didn't. He must have realized I was bluffing.... Damn! I think Travis has work later.. I'm so going to look through his diary!

Garroth's POV
I decided to check up on Vylad and see what he's been up to. I grabbed my phone and texted him.
Garroth: Hey Vylad!
Vylad: Something's wrong....
Garroth: What?!
Vylad: You never greet me by my name. You always say 'Hey baby brother!'
Garroth: So that means something is wrong?
Vylad: Yup!
Garroth: I wanted to know how you and Zane have been doing.
Vylad: Well, right now I'm attempting to hook up Zane and this girl I met the other day.
Garroth: Your a great brother
Vylad: Any ideas on how to hook them up?
Garroth: Give up. It won't work.
Vylad: Why?
Garroth: Because it's Zane.
Vylad: True. I've got to go, I've got work. Let's catch up later!
Garroth: Yeah! I'll talk to you later!

Wow.... Vylad is going to have a bad time if he tries to get Zane with someone. I'm pretty sure Vylad had tried this before... It would be nice for Zane to get a girlfriend though..... He wouldn't be as miserable.... A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. "Come in." I said. The door opened to reveal Laurance. "What's up?" I asked. "I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere today.. Just the two of us..." He said with a slight blush in his face. Wait... Like a date? But I've got work later... I'm pretty much broke and I've taken too many days off... I have to go.. "I'd love to but I got work today. How about tomorrow?" I asked. "Tomorrow's fine..... Also did you see Dante? He was running around the house like a maniac!"
"No but I wish I did!"
"He almost ran into a wall!" He giggled. Is it just me or does he have a cute laugh...

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now