Chapter 28 ~ Date!

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Travis' POV
"I SMELL FOOD!!" I heard Dante yell and slam his door open. "You don't get any!" I yell back. Dante runs in with the saddest face. "Why...?" He whined. "Because..... Garroth told me you read my diary!" I snarled. Dante whips his head around to Garroth's direction, giving him a cold and deathly stare. "Well you shouldn't have invaded his privacy!!" Garroth said. "Fine. I'll just go get McDonald's for breakfast." Dante said. He grabbed his jacket off the lounge and stormed out of the room. "So....." I started trying to change the subject. "Wanna go to the arcade later?"
"I can't. I'm going out with Laurance today... sorry"
"Could I come?"
"I promised it would just be the two of us..."
"Ooooo~ I see how it is~"
A blush spread across his face and he quickly slung his head down and started to mumble. "You got a date, huh?" I giggled. He crossed his arms and shoved his face into them. I laughed louder until Laurance walked in.
"FOOD!" He yelled. He noticed me laughing and started to question. "What's up with you?" He asked. "You two got a date today?" I asked giggling. "Actually, Yes. Yes we do." He said smirking. Aaannnndd Garroth fainted.

??? POV
I was sitting at my house when a got a knock on the door. I walked over and opened the door to greet the visitor. It was a girl with dark blue hair and silver eyes. Before I knew it, I blacked out.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now