Chapter 10 ~ Phone call

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Laurance's POV
"Laurance.... I know what I'm doing is dangerous but you don't understand. This is the only way." He said. "NO! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! YOU CANT JUST PICK UP YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE AND THINK THAT NO ONE IS GOING TO CARE! YOU SAID YOU WERE DOING THIS FOR US! IF YOU REALLY CARED YOU WOULD BE HERE! TRAVIS AND DANTE COULD HAVE DIED BECAUSE YOU THINK YOUR SAFTEY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN OTHERS!" I screamed at him. Everyone was silent no one dared to mutter a single sound at that point. "I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to scream at you... I just really care about you and I want you to come back......" I mumble and tears start to form from my eyes. "I'm really sorry that I left.... B-But if I would be in a lot more danger..." He said. "Did we do something?" I asked. "No. Someone else did." He responded. "Who are you staying with?" I asked. "A girl I met on a bus..."
"Isn't that dangerous?!"
"Yes. She obviously knows more than she says she does, but I don't really have a choice.."
"Well how do you k--"
"IM SORRY BUT WE HAVE TO CONTINUE THIS LATER!" And with that he hung up. Oh no! Why did he seem like he was rushing! Was he in danger?! No! No! No! I feel the phone fall from my hands and hit the floor. Garroth don't do this! I need to find him! Please don't be hurt! "LAURANCE!!!" Aphmau came rushing over to me. "LAURANCE! What happend?! Are you alright?!" She asks. I don't want him to be hurt..... Please not now! I want him back! I need him back! I can tell that I'm sobbing like crazy but it doesn't matter. Garroth please don't die on me!

Travis' POV
Sirens, All I can hear. Pain, All I can feel. Nothing, all I can see. Where am I? What happened? I can't move. It's like I'm strapped on to something. A bed. What happened to me?!

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now