Chapter 43 ~ Souls

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Zayliah's POV
I started to wake up wishing the past.... how long have i been here? Well. I just wish it was a dream. My body still really hurt. The other guy hasn't woke yet. Is he dead? I wouldn't be surprised.

Sarah walked in, glaring at me.
"Hello Zayliah...."
I growled at her. She didn't like it. She walked over to me, ready to slap me but stopped herself and sighed.
"You've got more friends." She said.
Friends? Does she mean this guy? Did she capture more people?
"You'll see. For now, you'll have to wait. I just have to do a few things."
"I've got plans for them."
"What plans?"
"Haha. You really think I'm that dumb? I'm not one of those villains that explain their plan before they do it, just to be stopped."
"At least you admit your evil."
"I'm more of an anti-hero."
"Do you even know what that word means? You don't have a good cause."
"That you know of..."
"Tell me something."
"Who are you? Really."
"Doesn't matter."
"Then how long are you planning on keeping me here?"
"As long as i need you here."
"Why do you need me?"
She smirked at me and left. I wonder.....

Reena's POV
I tried calling Garroth again but it didn't go through. He was obviously with his brothers, what if Nicole got them? Oh no. I walked over to the table and double checked my papers. Yes, it does say what i thought it said. Its a copy of her diary.
'This is getting annoying. I only have one person working for me now. At least they're loyal. They would never betray me. I've got a way though. I've been looking up some witchcraft stuff and saw something helpful. I could drain someones soul. Make them a mind slave. Hopefully someone helpful. Who though? maybe one of my past subjects or someone i knew. I'll decide later.'

Garroth is both of those things. Maybe she has already got to him.... What about Laurance?
I dialed his number.... he picked up.

(I may add some of your OCs into the story! I'd like you to comment the following if you want you or your OC in the story.

●physical appearance
●role {Villain or Hero}

Thaaaannkks. Also i may only post a couple times a week now because of school. Just started a new year and i got into a performance class!)

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