Chapter 45 ~ Workers

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Garroth's POV
I felt like I weighed a ton. I couldn't move or lift myself up. Everything i saw had a dark shade over it, making everything a blur. I must have woken. I heard a voice calling my name. I couldn't tell who or where they were coming from. Then i realized i wasn't on the floor, I was standing. I could feel restraints on my arms and legs as i was trying to move but it was no use. I was stuck. I could now tell that the voice was coming from the left but my eyes were still blurred. The voice sounded familiar. Before I knew it, i was knocked out again.

"Hey! Look who came back!" It was Kaylee. I'm back in the escape.
"I think I've been kidnapped."
"Say what?"
"I had restraints on my arms and legs."
"Sorry man, I can't help you."
"Do you know where the address is.... ?"
"Well.... no bu--"
"Then i can't help."
"Your mean."
"Your pretty calm for someone who's kidnapped."
"I can't believe Nicoles other side took her over, that could happen to me..."
"Sorry, i wasn't paying attention before because frankly you bore me but what did you say she goes by?"
"Any last name?"
"I don't know."
"Two of my friends told me that someone named Sarah and Isretiff wanted to pay them to help her with a project."
"Is-re-tiff? Its sounds like an anagram."
"Not the point. These two girls go around doing jobs for people. One would normally take on this job because it has money but the other thought it was bad news. Apparently Isretiff ended up hiring different people instead."
"Are these two girls a team."
"Yes. They are good friends of mine. Amare and Wendy are there names."
"Oh really?"
"Uuhhh huh!"

I started to feel myself wake again. When i did, my vision wasn't a blur anymore. I was kidnapped. I turned to my left and saw Zayliah, she had passed out. She was covered ij stratches, blood, bruises and gashes. She had looked like she had been there for a while. Next to her was a boy with blonde hair, he hasn't been touched. I looked to my right and saw my brothers in the same state i was in. They are completely passed out. It was silent. Almost too silent. Then i heard a voice.
"So, are you the two that Isretiff hired?" The first voice said.
"Yes. Indeed we are." A second voice comfirmed. There was silent for a second.
"I-I am too!" A third voice peeped
"So your Dragon, and your Golden?"
"Yes, My real name is Nex. The girl is Destiny. You just need to get her mad to make her work and actually be happy to do it. She has two sides to her." The second voice now known as Nex, said. I think the first voice is Nicole. I heard a yelp.
"Oooooo~ her eyes changed colour!" Nicole fawned.
"You Bet! I'm the one and only Destiny! The most awesome person you'll ever know!"
"Your being cocky again." Nex stated.
"I'm only stating the truth~"
"I've gotten a text from Isretiff, she said that Garroth's friends are on their way here. Capture them and put them in the cell next to the others."
"Will do, Boss" Destiny and Nex cheered. I think they left.
There needs to be a way to warn them!

Amare - Marty__MM__160
Wendy - x_Graceless_x
Nex - NeoShadowTheif
Destiny - Madibobbs101

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