Chapter 3 ~ The raven hair

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Laurance's POV
I woke up again this time to a bashing on my door. I picked up my phone and noticed it was about 10am. Before turning it off I noticed my lock screen of Garroth and I and smiled. The bashing of my door snapped me out of my love struck gaze at the phone. I groaned and threw it one bed and walked to the door. I opened it and saw a worried Dante. "Are you OK?" I asked. "It's Garroth, He's gone..." He said barely being able to talk. Then the memories from just a few hours ago came flooding back into my head. Garroth's stuff being missing and him not there. Did he actually leave?
"Uh... sorry I must have zoned out.."
"Did you hear what I said?"
I slowly nodded, not knowing what to say. Dante sighed while dropping his head. "Have any idea where he could be?" He asked. "No..."
"Well Travis is calling people to ask them as we speak but none of us can get a hold of Garroth. While I didn't show it, this really upset me. I couldn't understand why he would leave us, his friends? What motive could he have?

Garroth's POV
I found a big bag I would use for Aphs sleepovers and started to pack some things. After walking out the door a spotted  a bus coming my way. I ran, not wanting to miss it but fell over a few trash cans causing crash. I picked myself up again and ran to the bus. I got up just in time and sat behind a girl. She  had raven black hair in a platt and a purple blouse. I tapped her shoulder gaining her attention. "Excuse me but do you know where this bus goes?" I asked her.
"If you don't know, why are you on in the first place?" She asked back. "I just want to go anywhere but here.."
"If that's the case, just get off with me. I usually take the bus longer than everyone else." She offered. I agreed to her offer and the rest of the way we made small talk.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now