Chapter 7 ~ A map

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Zayliah's POV
"How do you know that?" He asked with a skeptical look. "Because that's where we were when you got on the bus." I said. "Oh. Ok!"
Is he on to me? I hope not. If he found out. Don't think about that! This tension is killing me! "Why did you bring it up?" He asked. "My cousin lives there...."
"You won't know him...." After that it was silent until we finished eating. "What's the time?" I asked. "He takes out his phone and checks. "About 10" he says. Oh no. I'll be late! "Hey, I need to go take care of some stuff so you'll be here by yourself for a while." I said. He nods and picks up the dishes. I run to my room and change into a grey shirt, black leather pants, some sandals and a purple jacket. I grabbed a leather bag full of my 'equipment' and ran out the door. I threw the bag in the back of my car and drove off. Hopefully he doesn't start looking around.

???'s POV
Where is she? We've been waiting for ages. I stopped pacing around the room and sat down next to Reena. "Do you know where she is?" I asked. "I-If I knew I w-would have told you..." She mumbles. "I'm becoming impatient!" I screeched. She whimpered slightly at the yell. The door starts to slowly creak open. It's Zayliah. "There you are!" I exclaimed. "Hello boss!" She greets. She sits down next to me. I nudge Reena. She jumps a little. "H-Hi Zayliah!" She said nervously. "Hello Reena!" She replied. "So what progress have you made?" I ask. "I have a friend of subject 6 staying at my house temporarily." She says. "Who was subject 6 again?" I ask. "Laurance Zvahl." She says with a grin. I look over to Reena and she seems to be having a mini panic attack. "Reena could you wait in the kitchen?" I asked. She nods and quickly skips to the kitchen.

Aphmau's POV
"Could Lucinda track him?" Katelyn asked. "Garroth left a note saying he doesn't want us to look for him." Travis said. "We don't need to go find him. At least we would know where he is" She said. "Ok...." He mumbled. "Kawaii~Chans going to stay here..." Kawaii~Chan says. The three of us walked to Lucinda's house. I knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds before she answered. "Hi guys..." She greeted. "Hey" I replied. "Come in" she said. We all walk in and sit down on her couch. Katelyn stood up "So we were wondering if you would-" "Track Garroth?" Lucinda said cutting off Katelyn. "How did you know?" Travis asked. "Because I had the same idea, I already have tracked him. I'll show you!" She said. Lucinda stood up and started walking. We got up and followed her. We walked into her basement and we saw this map created with witchcraft. There was a blue dot. So that's where he is... I look over to Travis and was visibly panicking. "Are you alright Travis?" I asked. He quickly rushed out of Lucinda's house with a panic.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now