Chapter 2 ~ A crash

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Laurance's POV
I woke to a loud crash. Rubbing my eyes tiredly i reached for a Torch. What was that? I got up in only boxers and reached for my slippers, the ones that Garroth got me. I slipped them on my feet and went to investigate the crash. It was around 5am so the only person who would be up is Garroth. I looked around in the kitchen, bathroom and study but there was no one. Then i checked the laundry, living room and pantry, no signs of a crash.. maybe I just imagined it. I walked over to Garroth's room and lightly knocked on the door, maybe he knew what the crash was... "Garroth... it's me.." I whispered through the door. I opened it a crack then opened it fully. No one. "Garroth?"
No answer. I've always been observant so noticing that parts of his stuff was missing wasn't a hard task. At first I thought that maybe he just went out but seeing that his clothes, laptop, phone, charger, pillow and some food were some of the things gone I went into a small panic. Where? Where did he go? Those same thoughts flooded my mind while trying to think of an explanation. I started breathing abnormally fast and sweat was dripping from every pore. I was having a panic attack... this happened quite often and even the smallest things could trigger it. I noticed this and started to take deep breaths to calm myself down. This was probably a dream or my imagination... I should go back to bed.. maybe lack of sleep... I walked back to my room turning off the torch and dozing off.

{Edit}: *sigh* these comments
(I'm actually Australian😂)

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