Chapter 21 ~ Her return

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Dante's POV
Travis got up and walked towards the door. He opened it and I saw a girl with black hair and bright purple eyes at the door. Travis just stood in shock. When he snapped back to reality, his first reaction was to punch her in the gut. I'm guessing they don't get along. She groaned and stood back up and stepped slightly closer with a pissed look on her face. This won't end well. "Nice to see you too...." She said angrily. "Go away." Travis snapped. "I need to talk to you and him" she said pointing first to Travis then to Garroth. "Well too bad, your not welcomed here."
"Travis, let me explain myself"
"What is there too explain?"
"Look, I was dumb. I didn't know what I was doing.."
"I find that hard to believe!"
"Let her talk, Travis." Garroth interrupted. "No." Travis said. "Please?" She begged. "Ugh! Fine.." She smiled at him and the two walked in. "Listen, I was hired to do what I did. She gave me a 'Subject' and I try to gain there friendship. All I do is take a blood sample. I was told that it was helping. Turns out my boss is a selfish bitch who likes to trick people to do her dirty work. I'm sorry. I know that I betrayed your trust and tricked you. I was lied to by her....." She explained. "How do I know you aren't lying to me?" Travis argued. She stood there in silence. She had such a sorrowful face, I almost felt bad that Travis was yelling at her. "She isn't. Someone she worked with was explaining everything to me. I can't remember her name...... She was as short as Aphmau though" Garroth butted in. "Her name is Reena.... She told me everything" she said. "COULD SOMEONE TELL ME WHATS GOING ON HERE?!" Laurance screamed. "I'd like to know what's going on too!" I said. "I-It's better if you don't know....." Garroth stuttered. I wonder why...... Maybe that's what happened when Garroth left... How do they know this girl? I'm surprised no one has come to see what all this yelling is about.. Well I know Aphmau and Aaron are at the arcade, most likely arguing over some racing game... Kawaii~Chans at work..... Katelyn probably is asleep.... I have no idea where everyone else is. "So, who are you?" Laurance asked pointing at the girl. "I'm Zayliah! It's nice to meet you!" She said. "Yeah, she's my cousin..." Travis mumbled.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now