Chapter 11 ~ A girl

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Garroth's POV
Half way through my phone call with Laurance, a short girl with blonde hair and glasses came running over. Normally I'd just continue the call but she had a sword attached to her back. Afraid she would hurt me, i ended the call and started to run. I ran faster and faster when I realized she was determined to get me. while trying to out run her, I tripped. Before I could get up she stood right in front of me. She put out her arm as if she was offering help. I just laid there in the dirt. "Your very close to the road so if I were you I'd get up" she said extending her hand out further. I took her hand and she pulled me up. "Who are you? Why were you chasing me?" I asked. "Y-Your in danger..."
"I've been told"
"N-No I'm serious. Someone is tricking Zayliah. She's been doing something horrible without even knowing... Y-You need to leave her house."
"How can I trust you?" I asked. She stood there staring at me for a minute. "Listen. I can't prove any of this to be true but the person that tricked her isn't after you. She's after your friend, Laurance." How does she know who I am? Or Laurance for that matter..
"How do you know all this? And who are you?" I asked. "My name is Reena. B-Both Zayliah and I w-work for the person that is tricking her. I-I don't have a choice when it c-comes to work, I have my reasons. Z-Zayliah is a good person... S-she thinks what she is doing is right. Little does she know that it isn't. Don't bother telling her what I told you, she won't believe it. Plus it will put you and Laurance in even more danger. Trust me. Also one other thing, your buddy Travis is actually in the local hospital near here and not near the my street one. Just thought I'd let you know. I-I have to go now. Sorry." She ran back up the way she came from before I could say anything else.

So I just thought I'd tell you this before I write the next chapter. Zane and Vylad don't live on my street anymore. Why? Well Zane started to drift away from most people because of 'Things'. One of the only people he could still get along with was Vylad so when Zane found out Vylad was moving into his apartment soon, Zane asked if he could live with him. Vylad agreed and now the two brothers live together. But don't worry! They will be in the next chapter!

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now