Chapter 5 ~ A noticeable change

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Garroth's POV
I get out my phone to see I have a bunch of missed calls and texts. The ones that really pop out to me are the ones from Laurance.
'Garroth, Why did you leave?'
'Are you ok?'
'Where did you go?'
'Everyone is worried about you.'
'Did you leave because of me?'
Oh no. Please don't tell me he thinks the reason I left is because of him! That's it! I'm just going to call him so he isn't too worried. I miss him. I miss seeing him. I think I'll FaceTime him so I can see his face. It will make me feel better. I start to call him but he picks up straight away. "GARROTH?!" He screamed "Hey Laurance...."
"Why did you leave me?" He said looking down. He thinks it's because of him, doesn't he? "It's something I'd rather not talk about...."
"Is it because of me?"
"No! Far from it!"
"Well, at least are you safe?"
"Yes! I'm really sorry I left... But it was the only way."
"The only way to do what?" He asks. "To protect the ones I love." I responded. The picture starts to cut out since I have bad signal and eventually I can't hear him anymore.

Laurance's POV
"The only way to do what?" I ask. "To p--" Before he could finish the sentence the audio cut out. "Garroth?! Can you hear me?!" The screen started to go fuzzy then we disconnected. I tried calling back a few times but there wasn't an answer. I filled with both rage and sadness. Before I knew it I threw my phone across the room and into a wall. Now I definitely can't call him back. I get up to look at my phone. It's completely crushed. Great.

Dante's POV
I took the note. It says:
Dear friends,
I'm sorry but I can't stay here for now. I don't know how long I'll be or where I'm going, but what I do know is that it's to dangerous for me to stay with you. This ISNT about me. It's about everything and everyone I care about. Again I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you I was leaving to your face. Please don't look for me. Please don't call the police. I'm fine. I know how to look after myself. Goodbye for the time being.

Ok. That doesn't explain why he left but at least it's something. "I should probably show Laurance this." I said. "Ok! I think I'll go to the girls and tell them about the note and see if they have any ideas." Travis said and walks off. I run over to Laurance's room and knock on the door. "I know you said you wanted to be alone but I have something!" I yelled through the door. "Come In." He said. I opened the door and see Laurance sitting at his desk holding a picture of him and Garroth. He turned to look at me. "Sorry but we found this in Garroth's room..." I gave the note to Laurance. He takes the note and starts to read it.

Travis' POV
I start to walk over to the girls house. It's raining, of course. It's bucketing down and I regret not bringing an umbrella. I finally got there and knocked on the door. I waited for a few seconds before Katelyn opens the door. "Hey Travis. Come in." She gestured me in. I walk into their house and see Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau sitting on the couch. All the girls look upset but Aphmau mostly. "We found a note. He says that he only did it because it's 'Dangerous' for him to stay. Whatever he meant by that...." I explain. "That doesn't make sense though...." Katelyn said. "I know... We can't figure out what he meant by it. He said he will come back though...." I said. They all look somewhat happy at that. "Laurance and Garroth were like besties.... How's he doing?" Aphmau asks. "Not so good..." I reply. The atmosphere has changed so much.... Kawaii~chan isn't talking, Aphmau seems like she's been crying and isn't her bubbly self, Katelyn hasn't made any smart remarks and I haven't even tried to flirt. I hope it won't be like this for long....

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now