Chapter 36 ~ The Truth. The REAL Truth. pt 5

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I had gone back to my room, thinking they were just after affects of the thing Zane gave me. I sighed and started to sleep.

. Dream

I was standing in a room. It had no walls. Everything was white. I couldn't see anything past my hands. I started to walk around.
"Hello...?" I called. I was alone. I kept walking around hoping to see something different then just white but i could barely see anything in general. Suddenly I bumped into something.
"Watch where your going mate!" A voice yelled. It was a girl, She sounded young.
"Sorry. Do you have any idea where i am?" I asked.
"Your in the Escape."
"Yes. Its a whole other realm then the one you came from. Some Supernatural beings come here when they sleep. To 'Escape' from the world."
"B-but I'm n--"
"Yeah, Yeah! Your not a supernatural being! I swear that everyone says that. Listen man, you may not think you are, but no mere human can physically come here. Not to mention your sight is messed up. When its your first time coming here, it tends to be hard to see. It will wear off but not for a bit."
"I dont remember--"
"You dont remember becoming supernatural! Last you remembered, you were human. Sorry, your wrong."
"Tell me something, who are you?"
"Kaylee. I am what you would call a demon. Its my job to collect the newbies and keep em in line."
"You sound quite young for that"
"I'm 3071 years old."
She started to laugh abnoxiously.
"IDIOT! I'm 24. This used to be my brothers job. Can't believe you fell for that!" She laughed
My vision started to clear up now and i indeed saw a 24 year old girl standing in front of me. She was quite short and skinny. Her brown curly locks went down to her waist, her eyes resembled the ocean. I didn't quite understand how she was a demon. She looked human. Just then, a man with red hair and glasses had came up.
"Kaylee, your not teasing the poor boy, are you?" He said ruffing her hair.
"No, Adam. I'm just joking around." She replied.
He stopped talking to his younger sister and faced me, looking me dead in the eyes. His face looked emotionless but scary as hell. He immediately grinned straight after.
"Excuse my sister if she was rude! She is a hopeless mess!" He laughed.
She kicked him in the gut and gave him a dirty look. He simply laughed.
"I didn't think i was a supernatural being. Could you explain that to me?" I asked.
"To be honest, I've got no idea. I don't know you or your life" He said.
I sighed. After that, everything started to go black. I wasn't sure what was happening but i woke in my own bed.

End of dream and back to reality.

"To be honest, I thought it was a dream. But the next night, I was there again. And i kept ending up there at night. I could only assume that it was the thing Zane gave me. I still wasn't sure what kind of being i was at that point. But i remember one thing, one time when i was there I saw a girl. She had long dark blue hair and she had silver eyes, similar to Nicole. She told me, i was what they called a 'second'. We were called that because we had two people living inside our body. It was like all evil was sucked out of you and became its own soul and you had to share a body with it. I don't know anything about the girl, not even her name." I explained.
"I don't get it. You talk like this makes you miserable." Laurance stated.
"Let. Me. Finish. Only at first i didn't notice anything. After a while i started hearing a voice again. Now to the point where it is constantly. He tells me to do horrible things and is slowly turning me insane..... and i guess i broke. He tried to make me hurt someone i cared for..... and i almost did. After that, i decided that i should icolate myself. I didn't want to hurt anyone...."
"Thats why you ran away...."
"I understand." He started to hold my hand.
"You aren't afraid....?"
"No. I know you would never hurt me. Lets go home...."

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now