Chapter 22 ~ Diary

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Reena's POV
I'm horrible.... I can't believe I told Zayliah..... Boss will KILL me.... Or worse..... I was crawled up into a ball on my bed crying. The only reason I listen to Boss is because she had threatened him. The last thing I want is for him to get hurt.... Now he might die because of me.

Travis POV
I haven't written in my diary for a while so I decided that i'd write this morning.

18th April 2016
It's been a day since Zayliah came to apologize about everything. She looked sincere but I still didn't trust her after what she did. She's always been a mystery to most, you can never tell what's on her mind.... Aaaanndd it's kinda her fault I went to hospital. Other than that, there has been something else on my mind. Why Garroth left. I've asked him multiple times but he doesn't seem to want to talk about it. I've aka asked around but no one seems to know.. Am I just nosy? Nah.

"What are you doing, Travis?" I heard a voice from behind me. While trying to turn to see who it was I fell of my chair which got a laugh out of them. I looked up and saw Dante giggling at me. "Don't sneak up on me!" I yelled at him. He ignored what I said and went straight for my diary. I tried to get up and grab it but he placed his foot down on me to stop me from getting up. For some reason, I didn't struggle. He picked it up, looked at the cover and chuckled. "You have a diary?!What are you, 12?!" He said in between laughs. A slight blush of embarrassment spread across my face when I saw him flickering through pages and stopping to read some. "Stop Dante!" I snapped at him. He closed it, put it down and got off me. "I'll stop. Because I saw who your crush was~" he giggled while running out of the room. Normally I'd chase him but I knew that he was bluffing. If he saw who my crush actually was he would freak. Dante just wants to start a fight like always.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now