Chapter 31 ~ Zane reveals his secret.

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Laurance's POV
After Garroth and I headed to the car, we had a small chat.
"I'm really excited for this! Too bad SOMEONE won't tell me what the movie is!!" Garroth joked. "Calm your shizzle, Garroth~" I sweetened.
"Shizzle..? That's a first!"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You come up with the craziest words! I love it!"
"Well there is a lot to love about me!!"
"Quite true."
"But there is even more to love about you~"
Garroth blushed massively and shoved his face in his arms.
"Like when you get flustered you cover your face~"
Me saying that caused him to sink is face in even more. "Stooooppp...." he mumbled.
"I would but your beauty has no bounds. It makes me yearn for you more~"
He shoved his head into his jumper and hid while mumbling cute things under his breath. I started to laugh at how cheesy I sounded and how much I've learned from Travis. Wowza. As we started to approach the cinemas, Garroth slowly started coming out of his white fluffy sweater. "Did you have fun in sweater town?" I asked jokingly. "As a matter of a fact, yes. Yes I did."
"So are you going to go back to sweater town or are you going to enjoy a beautiful date with me~"
"I don't know, sweater town is pretty fun!" He joked.
"If it's so fun then I may have to join~ I wouldn't mind having some fun with you in your sweater~"
Aannnnddddddd he passed out. That's what happens when your flirtatious side takes control....

Garroth's POV
When we arrived at the cinemas, we were watching a movie called The girl with all the gifts. I didn't even know it was a movie, I had read the book ages ago! The whole time Laurance was trying to get as close to me as possible and constantly putting his arm around me. I love him so much!! The two of us ended up going to the park shortly after. "Did you enjoy the movie?" I asked
"HELL YEAH!! It was awesome and heartbreaking at the same time!! You really know what movies I like!"
"Hey Garroth..?"
"What are we?"
"Huh?!" I yelped with a blush.
"Do we still count as 'just friends'? Or are we something more than that?"
I grabbed his hands and locked eyes with him. "Are you serious!? We both have romantic feelings for each other! We've kissed! We-- you flirt! And we just went on a date!! How many 'just friends' do you know like that?!"
"If we are something more, then tell me something. You ran away to 'protect us', what exactly were you trying to protect us from..?"

Dante's POV
"Dumb Travis, Dumb Garroth!" I mumbled under my breath while arriving home. "WHERE IS EVERYONE!!" I yelled looking for people. No one was home. I sat on the couch and put on the news. Weather. Extreme storms later, great. They better get home soon.


"WHAT WAS THAT?!" I yelled after hearing a scream. It sounded like the girls house! I ran out the door and across the street. I kicked the girls door open and ran in. I saw Katelyn wide eyed with a smile, Aphmau passed out on the floor, Kawaii~Chan running around the house screaming something about a ship and Travis laughing his head off. "What's happening..?" I asked cautiously. "I told them the news~"
"What news?"
"Garroth and Laurance~"
"What about them..?"
"They are on a date as we speak~"
I jaw fell and eyes opened wide. After snapping out of it, i fist pumped "YES! I knew it would happen!"
"SQUIEEEEEEEEEE~" Katelyn squealed.

Vylad's POV
"Please Zane~" I begged
"Why can't you tell me!?"
"Because, I'd rather you not know!"
"I just want to know why you left my street and not talk with anyone from there!"
"You know about that?!"
"Garroth told me!"
He sighed and stood up. He quickly looked around to see if anyone was listening and looked back at me. He hung his head down and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I did a horrible thing..."
"There was a girl, Sarah."
"A girl..? But I thought you--"
"Not like that. She tricked me."
"Garroth told you right? About his... 'condition'."
"Yeah... why..?"
"It was my fault."
"She tricked me into injecting this substance into him. It effected him horribly.... she told me it was supposed to help people with certain illnesses. She asked me to test it on someone so I asked him. It turns out it did something extremely bad. He's forgiven me but I refuse to go to My Street. I don't deserve any friends, not after what I did..."
I grabbed my brother and pulled him into a hug. He started to cry and hugged back. "That wasn't your fault, Zane. You didn't know, you were tricked. They will forgive you."
"Are you sure..?"
"Of course, bro."
He smiled and pulled out of the hug. "Thanks, Vylad. I needed that."
"We should go visit them later, hey?"
"Who said you have a choice?" I joked. And for the first time in ages, he laughed.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now