Chapter 46 ~ Amare VS Wendy

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Amare's POV
I pulled my thin sword from my belt and pointed it straight towards Wendy. She brushed her hair out of her face and signaled me to attack without any stance or getting weapons out, trying to piss me off. I quickly charged at her, punching and swinging. She dodged every attack. She then quickly pulled her long mechanical sword out and showed it off. We both got into a stance with our swords touching. She used hers to tap on mine. We both tried to strike and got in each others way. Suddenly, she started to swing at me, causing me to step back with every swing. I jumped to dodge again and again then our swords clashed. We kept swinging with swords clashing each time. You could see our magic power increase with every strike, both dead set on winning this battle. She swung at my head, i barely dodged it. I used the back of my sword to whack her face. She stopped for a second then faced me with a wide grin. She jumped above me and was about to do a final blow, but i teleported behind her. She turned towards me with an even bigger smile. I jumped in the air high and stayed for a second before jumping to the other end of our battle grounds. She swung at me, slicing the wall behind me. I jumped on her sword and went behind her. She through her sword  at me, i was barely able to jump away. She was so busy showing off that her energy was draining. I jumped on to one of the pillars on the roof then jumped and used my sword to hang on to the wall. I climbed higher and went on top to the roof. Wendy took a gun out and started to shoot. I kept dodging. I kept running with her chasing me on the lower ground, still shooting. She got so close that around me started to become smoky. She probably thought she got me. I jumped out and charged straight at her. I got a second sword while in the air. Our swords clashed once again. We broke though the wall and back into the building, both of us still stood. Our swords continued to clash once again both with magic radiating from our bodies. I pushed her back far with her feet dragging. I was about to charge again but she put her weapon away. She signaled me to attack her. I started to charge at her with all my might. But just before i hit....

We both turned to see Kaylee at the door.
"Come ooooonnn~ we were just having fun!" Wendy cooed.
"Training." I corrected her. I tied my wavy hair into a pony then walked over to Kaylee.
"Yes but you two almost killed eachother. You can't die right now because i need your help." Kaylee said.
"So you only care because you need us?!" Wendy said, pretending to be really shocked.
"I've got money." Kaylee stated. Wendy started to jump up and down, smiling happily.
I sighed then grined at her foolishness.
"So, what do you need?" I asked, picking up Wendy by the shirt since she was practically begging Kaylee for money.
"Just a little mission but it will pay a lot. I have a friend that needs help."

Amare - Marty__MM__160
Wendy - x_Graceless_x
Nex - NeoShadowTheif
Destiny - Madibobbs101

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