Chapter 16 ~ confession

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Garroth's POV
"Laurance...." I slowly move closer towards him, as he moved towards me. We were inches apart yet he still hasn't spoke. Suddenly he burst out tears. I cupped his face in my hands and looked at him. "Laurance..... Please.... Don't cry...... I can't stand it...."
Tears were streaming down but he still hasn't said a word. I moved my hand upwards slightly to try to stop his tears but it was no use. I slowly removed my hands as he looked up at me. I pulled him into a tight embrace, never wanting to let go. "Laurance......" He hugged much tighter than me. Tears were all over my shirt. "Laurance..... Please say something....."
"I love you Garroth" At that moment everything felt like it was spinning. I felt warmth spreading through my body. My heart skipped a beat or five. I became short of breath and was barely able to cough out words. "I love you too." I told him. My whole body was shaking in happiness. I felt like fireworks just went of inside of me. This is too much for my little heart. Someone save me before I start fangirling like Kawaii~Chan... We pulled out of our hug and stared deeply at each other. I could have kissed him right then and there. Unfortunately I didn't have the confidence in me. "Garroth..... We need to get you out of here!" Laurance told me while gripping on my hand. "Why?"
"Because Travis knows Zayliah and knows what kind of trouble your in!"
"What trouble exactly?"
"She's pure evil. She kidnapped Travis and tried to use his blood for some sort of witchcraft thing."
"I was told that she didn't want to and was under the control of someone else.."
"What ever the case is we're getting you out of here." He grabbed my hand tighter and pulled me away. We kept going until we reached a bus stop close by. He goes to look at the sign to see when the bus will come. "Half an hour..... Great..." He sighed and walked back to me. "It's not that long." I said back. "I know but still!" We both sat on the seat quite close. I leaned my head on his shoulder seeing how tired I am, and Laurance blushed slightly. This will be a long wait.

Vylad's POV
It was about 4 now and still no sleep. Aaron and Zane had woken up and the three of us made quiet small talk. Then there was a knock. Who would come to Aphs house at 4 in the morning? I stood up and walked to the door. Laurance and Garroth stood there, both looking tired. Laurance found him?! "Hey baby brother!" Garroth greeted. I pulled the two of them into a quick hug. "Garroth your back!" I exclaimed. I let go and noticed Aaron and Zane walk up behind me, both awkwardly waving. Garroth and Laurance came in and we started to talk about what Garroth had just went through.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now