Chapter 30 ~ Its a Date!

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19th April 2016
It's really a date, huh? Wow. Didn't imagine that. I'm not good on dates so I'm screwed. I hope I don't mess everything up between us. That won't be good at all. Well I'm just about to go out so, cya!


Garroth's POV
"What should I wear?" I thought aloud while throwing my clothes everywhere desperately searching for something nice. "We are only going to the movies so I should just wear something casual, right?"

After a while of searching I just chose a white sweater and jeans. Once I fixed up my hair, I met up with Laurance in the living room. He was wearing a green jacket with black pants, nothing formal. "What movie are we seeing?" I asked him. "That's a secret~"
"You can't tell me?"
"That would ruin the surprise~"
I sighed then giggled at how funny this boy is. He walked up to me and took my hand causing a blush to spread on my face. We walked out to the car only to hear someone yell at us. "HAVE FUN ON YOUR DAAAATTTEEE~~~~"
It was Travis.

Travis' POV
"HAVE FUN ON YOUR DAAAATTTEEE~~~~" I yelled in a singing voice to the boys. Never really imagined those two to become a thing.....
I'm feeling a little mischievous today... hmm...

"Aphmauuuuu~~" I yelled through her door while knocking. The door opened to an angry Katelyn. "What do you want Travis!?" She yelled.
"Is Aph here?"
"No. She is out with Aaron."
"What about Kawaii~Chan?"
"No Travis. I'm the only one. Why are you looking for them?"
"I have very special news to tell them~"
"And what would that be?"

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now