Chapter 34 ~ The truth. The REAL truth. pt3

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I was forcefully pulled into a house by Zane, and before I could even question him, he put his hand over my mouth. "Shut up, Garroth."
'but I didn't say anything' is what I wanted to say but I had a hand over my mouth. He sighed over-dramatically and removed his hand. He fell back and sunk into his couch, I sat next to him.
"Would you help me out with something?" He asked
"You don't even want to hear what it is?"
"Your my brother, I trust you!"


"Did he want you to test out the chemical thingy?" Laurance asked.
"Let me finish~" I shushed him.

~Continues in the flashback switching to Zane's POV because I'm lazy and you'll see why ;3~

I explained what I needed him for and he automatically accepted with a smile. I injected the liquid into his system using a syringe. He flinched just at the sight of the needle. After doing so, he immediately passed out.
"Garroth..?" I said shaking him. "GARROTH!" I screamed getting worried. I saw a smirk on his face as he got up and laughed. "Got ya!" He laughed. I groaned and punched him in the gut. Idiot. It's not like I actually cared or anything!

(Tsundere Zane?)

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now