Chapter 14 ~ Her job

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Laurance's POV
The lady guided me to Travis' room and left us alone. "Hey.." I said while slowly waking up to him. "Hi" he greeted back. "Are you doing ok?" I asked. "Yeah.... I'm hurting a little still and I think my arms broken but other that Im sort of ok."
"Good to hear!"
"So are you here to ask about Garroth or see me?"
"Well I know where he is...."
"Y-You do?!"

Garroth's POV
I decided to go back to Zayliah's house, she gave me her spare key luckily. I unlocked the door and realized shortly after she wasn't home. I went to my room and sat down on my bed. Wait.... She's not home.... Maybe I could pick the lock in the basement.... I walked over to the stairs of the basement and walked down carefully and slowly. When I reached the bottom I took out a pin from my pocket and bent it slightly. I put it near the lock and inserted it in. I wiggled it around waiting for a click. Waiting...... Waiting........ Click.
I can't believe that worked! I cautiously open the door. It just looks like an office... No. There wouldn't be a lock if it was 'just an office', there has to be more! As I took a few steps in, I heard keys from upstairs. She's home! I quickly ran to the door, locked it, closed it, ran upstairs and into my room without her seeing. "Sorry I left! I had to visit a friend in hospital!" She yelled. I came out of my room and saw her in the kitchen pouring a drink. "Are they alright?" I asked. "Yeah. Just little injuries..."
"That's good to hear. I hope they get better soon."
"I-I won't be at work for about a week so I'll be here most of the time. Just thought I would tell you." She stuttered. She's hiding something. "What do you do for work if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned. "I-I'm a nurse!"
Something is going to go down.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now