Chapter 13 ~ A vistor

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Laurance's POV
After that I ran out, I'll thank Katelyn and Aphmau for trying to comfort Me later. For now I need to find him. Where would I start? Travis knew! I'll go to the hospital he is staying at and ask him, It was the closest one to where the accident was. I'll take a bus since our car, is well.... Broken. Yep that's what I'll do!

Zayliah's POV
I found out that Travis and some other guy was in hospital. Travis hates me but I still kinda care for him. I was waiting outside his room alone in my thoughts until the nurse came out saying that he woke up. I walked in his hospital room and closed the door behind me. "Zayliah...... What do you want..?" He said with anger in his voice. "Can't I visit my cousin in the hospital?" I asked innocently. "If I could leave this stupid hospital you'd be on a lot of trouble!"
"I only did what I had to!"
"At least leave Garroth alone!"
"Garroth was my roommate! If you hurt him I swear i--"
"Relax. I'm not after Garroth. He's just bait."
"Then who are you after?"
"Can't say~. However I'll be going now!" I waved to him goodbye before I left. While walking in the main area to leave I saw a guy quickly rush in, he looked quite familiar. He had brown hair and baby blue eyes. He ran up to the lady at the desk. "I'm here to see Travis Valcrum!" He said while puffed out. "What's your name?" The lady asked. "Laurance Zvahl!" He screamed. Wait. That's subject 6! I knew he would come! I better leave and tell boss.

Vylad's POV
I've managed to convince Zane to come with me to see the others. I was surprised because he usually wants nothing to do with them. The drive was long and awkward, we listened to Zane's music the whole way. I've realized that Zane has changed quite a bit since he moved in with me. He seems much more closed and unsocial. He never told me what actually happened. We arrived at the guys house and got out of the car, walked up to the front door and knocked. We waited a few seconds but Katelyn greeted us at the door.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now