Chapter 18 ~ A dream

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Garroth's POV
I'm kinda happy to be back. Everything seems to feel right. But I left for a reason..... I couldn't be around the ones I care about, and I still can't. I don't want to leave again seeing how much pain I put them through but What if I hurt them? I already hurt someone and that's why I left. But what if i did it again? What if I hurt Laurance.?! Suddenly, two arms wrapped around my waist and a head rested on my shoulder. I turn my head slightly and saw Laurance smirking at me. I dark red blush spread across my face. "L-Laurance?! What are y-you doing?!" His grip around be started to loosen but he was still holding me. I feel like my problems melt away when I'm with him. "You zoned out. I was calling your name but it was like you snapped out of reality. So I snapped you back in~" he whispered. I felt his arms release me and his weight on me removed. I turned around to face him, only to see that his face was inches away from me. He had a wide grin spread across his face. He snaked his arms around my waist and stared deeply into my eyes. This whole time I had the biggest blush on my face. He pulled me in to kiss me. He's kissing me?! I stood in shock for a few seconds before I melted into it. His lips were soft and he kissed me gently. It felt so right. But then something hit me like a truck........Reality. The whole room started to fill with blinding lights. When the lights started to fade, I was in my room. My blinds were wide open and the sun hurt my eyes. It was only a dream? I sighed in disappointment and shut the blinds. I take out my phone and check the time. 10am? Isn't that the time when Dante said he was going to leave to pick up Travis from the hospital? Ugh! I'm too tired to give a crap.

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now