Chapter 50 ~ The End.

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I woke in a dark room. The only thing that had any kind of light source was a small candle.

Suddenly all candles in the room lit up like magic. The walls were out of red and black bricks. I was on some kind of podium with fire underneath me. I was chained to the podium, not able to move.

A dark figure walked into the room. My eyes adjusted on the man, he had black messy hair and bright blue eyes. He wore red armor and had a ruby sword.
"Your awake, don't bother trying to talk. You've been removed from that privilege."

He was right. I couldn't talk.

"No need to worry Laurance. Garroth is okay."

I remember now. We needed to save Garroth.

"You'll see him soon enough. Patience"

I want to see him.

"I know. And you will. After."

After what?

"You'll see soon enough."

Thank you so much for reading! I'll be ending this part of the story here. I'll be making a second book called 'Our Souls, Intertwined' and am excited to share it with you! For those who cant tell what happened, Isretiff killed Laurance. We aren't sure about Wendy, Zayliah and Leo yet. Now someone *ahem Gene ahem* is turning him into a shadow knight. You wont find out what happened to the rest of the characters until the next book. As for the OCS that people entered and i haven't used yet, they will be characters in the next book. Also, im postponing the author contest. I'm sorry! Ill update when the next book is avalible. Thanks again~

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now