Chapter 49 ~ The masked woman.

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Laurance's POV

I can't believe i shot someone. I was so shocked that i couldn't even tell if i got them or killed them. I can't think about that! I need to save Garroth! Dante tossed the key over to Amare. She took out another key and unlocked the door. She slowly opened it to reveal a stair case. Wendy came running over to us before we could go down.
"AMARE! YOUR ARM!" She screeched. Amare sighed with a grin. Wendy really seems to care for Amare.
"Bluey, could you take Amare to cat ears? I asked her to set up a first aid. Tanny and i can take it from here. To be honest, im too lazy to say your names, i do know them though."
Dante smiled and helped Amare out of the building. Wendy and I walked down the staircase, being extremely careful. We got down and saw a large room. It was filled with horrible and gruesome weapons. Weapons you would use for torture. I felt a shiver down my spine thinking that Nicole could have used these on Garroth. We saw another door where we assume Garroth would be. I opened the door and saw two cells next to each other. Wendy and i slowly approached the first one. We saw Zayliah. She was covered in blood and bruises. Next to her was a blonde boy who had no scratches at all. They both were passed out. But where is Garroth? I checked the other cell and it was empty. Garroth was gone. Wendy pointed to the blonde boy.
"That him?" She asked.
"'Well.... no. We should get these two out and to the first aid. Then we can look for Garroth."
I nodded and used one of the keys to unlock the cage. I was about to go in but Wendy gad grabbed me. I turned around and saw a figure at the top of the stairs. It was a girl wearing a long coat and mask to cover her face completely. She had long pastel purple hair that went to the floor. It was obviously a wig.
" I'm sorry guys but i can't let you leave." She stated walking down the stairs. Wendy took her sword out while i took the gun out she gave me. The girl raised her arm to us and shattered the weapons in our hands. W-What?! Magic?
"Tanny. Stay back." Wendy said, pushing me back. I stepped back and picked Zayliah up on my shoulders.

Wendy raised her arms and maic started to form next to her. It turned into a monster! I've never seen anything like it. She created a monster from thin air. The girl faced the monster. The monster started to growl in agony. Did she do that? Wendy quickly took the monster away. She picked up the boy wnd faced me.
"Our main priority is to get these two somewhere safe." She said.
I nodded and got ready.

Its all for Garroth.....

I closed my eyes to get ready for whatever may happen. I must save him.
I started to feel pain. A lot of pain. I dropped Zayliah and fell to the floor. Wendy tried to lift me up but the masked girl hit her with a magic blast. I could feel blood spilling from my torso. I tried to stand but i knew i couldn't. It felt horrible, like I've been stabbed 1000 times. Everything started to blur and darken. My entire body went limp and completely fell from sitting. I couldn't move in the slightest. Was I dying? No. I can't, Garroth needs help. Agggghhhhhh
My senses started to numb. I tried to look up. I could barely see but i could tell that she took off her mask. Thats..... no! No way!
I can't move. My vision started to fade completely.

Everything went black........

Amare - Marty__MM__160
Wendy - x_Graceless_x
Nex - NeoShadowTheif
Destiny - Madibobbs101

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