Chapter 6 ~ Getting the spooks

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Laurance's POV
After reading the note I felt like crying. I think I am because Dante has his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. It just makes no sense. What was he talking about? I pick up the picture and feel my heart slowly ripping into two. I loved him. I regret not telling him because now he is gone. "Garroth....... Called me..... He was going to say why he left but it cut out...... I couldn't ring him back......." I managed to say. He looks at me with a grim look. "I'll leave if you want to be alone." He said. I slowly nodded, He got up and slowly walked out of the room. I can tell he feels bad for me. I want Garroth back. I can't live without him. I've loved him for so long. He was, and still is my everything. All I ever needed. All I ever wanted. Him. I want him. I want to find him. I need to find him.

Garroth's POV
It's been about an hour since the call cut out. I haven't tried to call him back. I heard a door open. What? I should check. I walked out of the room and looked around, nothing. I have a bit of a wander around until I feel a hand touch my shoulder. The shock of it made me fall on the ground. I look up and see Zayliah. "Someone's Jumpy!" She giggled. I get up on my feet and look at her. She's still in her pajamas. "Hi, how was your nap?" I asked. "Good! Are you hungry?" She asked. I haven't eaten since yesterday. "Yeah." I mumbled. "I'll make you some breakfast!" She exclaimed. She runs to the huge kitchen near the living room and starts to get out some eggs. "Scrambled, Fried, Boiled or poached?" Zayliah asked while grabbing plates. I sit down at one of the stools at her kitchen. "Fried!" I exclaim. She grabs two pans. In one she started to fry two eggs and in the other she was making scrambled eggs for herself. After she was done she handed me a plate of fried eggs and sat down next to me to eat hers. "So, you lived in My Street right?" Zayliah asked. Wait, How does she know that. I knew there was something off about her!

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now