Chapter 15 ~ Laurance.

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Laurance's POV
Running. Running, Faster and faster. Travis told me everything. I need to go. I need to find him. I'm so close yet so far. I can feel my body weakening. I've never ran so fast and i feel like I'm going to pass out. Just keep running. Don't stop. Garroth, I'm coming for you.

Garroth's POV
Why am I still up?! It's like 2:00am... Why can't I sleep?! Maybe i need fresh air something.... I get up and walk out of my room. Surprisingly the lights were on. I really should leave her house since she's obviously bad news but Something about her makes me want to stay. Not in a dirty way. Maybe she knows witchcraft and she put a spell on me Or maybe she just reminds me of someone. Ugh I need some air! Zayliah came out of the hallway and saw me standing here. She looked at me but didn't question. "Look. My boss called and I need to go now, I'll be back in an hour or two." And with that she was gone. I waited a few before going out for air. I walked out and other than the street lights, it was pretty dark. Running. I heard footsteps running. I looked around and didn't see a thing but they were getting louder. Louder. Louder. And then they stopped. I looked around. No one. Or so I thought... I turned my head slightly in a direction I didn't look before and saw him. His face was covered in sweat. His breathing heavy. His eyes red and stained with tears. His legs looking like he was about to collapse. His hair all scruffy. I could go on for ages. He simply stared. Was he mad? Relived? Frightened? Startled? I've got no clue. He just stood, staring.

Vylad's POV
We decided to stay at Aphmau's for the night since we were going to search for Garroth tomorrow because of the possible danger. It's a huge sleepover basically. Zane isn't having fun. I wish he would talk to someone about his problems. So many thoughts going through my head that I couldn't sleep. Ugh why?! I think I know why Garroth left.... It's so obvious to people that know him well. He isn't human. Not many people knew. I wonder if Laurance did.... Does it matter? Laurance is already going to look for him. What would he say if he knew the truth about Garroth?! I could only imagine......

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now