Chapter 48 ~ Destiny VS Amare - Glitter and Gold

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Amare's POV
After Kaylee made a deal with Wendy and I, We decided it would be best to split up. I'd try to get Garroth out while Wendy would find Sarah.

I decided to drive there. I parked near the back and snuck in through the window. They are would most likely have the cells under the main part so I'll head there. This place looked like a very old and run down mansion. The only stairs I could see went up and were very unstable. I walked through many rooms and had given up on sneaking seeing as I couldn't see anyone. That kind of had me worried. I heard a bang and a few swings. Wendy must have arrived. I eventually found a metal door, I tried opening but it was locked. I started to look around for a key. I looked though a few cupboards and draws, on top of objects and underneath objects but I had no luck. I eventually found a small golden key on top of a tall book shelf. It had strange patterns on it and barely even looked like a key. However it was worth a shot. I found my way back to the metal door and tried to use the key I found. It took a while but eventually I heard a click. I mentally cheered and tried to open it. It still wouldn't budge. Having a closer look at the door I realized it had a second lock. I groaned and put the key back into my pocket. I sat down against the wall to take a breather. I started to hear running. I stood into a fighting stance. A girl with white hair and blonde strips came running. Her eyes changed to a shade of gold. Her face softened as she looked at me.
"I'm sorry, but I don't have a choice.." she said with a sigh. Two people came up from behind her, one with tan skin and brown hair and the other with blue hair and eyes.
"Don't trust her. She is with Sarah!" The tan one yelled. The blue haired boy nodded. Who can I trust right now?
"We were just with Wendy! She's fighting the other guy." He yelled again. I sighed. "There is a key somewhere in the house that will unlock this door, find it." I told them. They ran off leaving me and the girl. I noticed that her eyes started to shift into a purple and started to glow. She took out an axe and went straight at me. I quickly teleported behind her and kicked her back. I took my sword out and prepared for a real fight. She ran at me, swinging at my legs. I jumped on top of her axe and swung at her head, she just dodged it. She flung me off her axe and got out a gold dagger. She threw it at me, hitting my arm. I sucked up the pain and yanked it out, throwing it back. She grabbed it in mid air and put it back. I ran at her with my sword, gripping it tightly. I swung it at her, our blades clashed. Her axe had almost double the weight of my sword, causing me to be pushed back. We continued to swing at eachother in full force, our blades bouncing off each other's weapon. I could sense that she had a lot of magic flowing in her. She seems dead serious. I was pushed back to the point where i was against the wall. I quickly teleported to her left and tried to swing at her but she blocked me. I pushed myself back and thought for a second. I don't carry multiple weapons like Wendy, I've always relied on mynone small sword to do the trick and it has never failed me. However, her weapon is much superior to mine. There is no way i can beat her, i barely landed one hit! I standed in a more serious fighting position before charging at her with full speed. I swung my sword and was about to strike but she kicked me in the gut. I fell to the ground but quickly got back up. I managed to punch her face, i went for another punch but she grabbed my arm and twisted it back causing it to snap. I've been through worse pain. I need to suck it up. I then realized that it was my fighting arm, what now? I switched arms and tried to swing at her again without my right arm getting more hurt. She blocked my attack much easier and threw my sword. I tried to run and grab it but i was cornered in no time. I'm going to die. God damn you, Kaylee. I've just been introduced as a character! I thought these would be my final moments. She was getting ready to strike me down. I closed my eyes and tried to back away even though i was in a corner. I heard a bang. A gun shot.

I opened my eyes and saw those two boys from before. Blue had a key and Tan had Wendy's gun. Didn't think he would have the guts to shoot someone. A man with black hair and amber eyes came running over. He picked the girl up and ran off. Then i heard a voice.

God damn it, Wendy.

Amare - Marty__MM__160
Wendy - x_Graceless_x
Nex - NeoShadowTheif
Destiny - Madibobbs101

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