Chapter 1: I'M PREGNANT!

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Leon: (Kissed her and then pulled away)

Vilu: (Laughed) Well that was quite a long kiss.

Leon: Oh my GOODNESS I CANNOT believe that your ACTUALLY PREGNANT! (Hugged her again)

Vilu: (Laughed) Okay, calm down boy.

Leon: (Still hugging her) I just can't VILU. I can't BELIEVE that I'm actually going to be a father!

Vilu: (Smiled) Well, you are. So let it sink in.

Leon: You just have no idea how elated I am!

Vilu: (Smiled) Do you think we should tell our friends?

Leon: (Smiled) Yeah. We'll tell them tomorrow!

Vilu: They all are going to be SO happy. Especially Fran and Cami. They forced me into taking the pregnancy test in the afternoon but then I lied to them saying that I wasn't pregnant.

Leon: Why would you do that?

Vilu: (Shrugged) I don't know. I just wanted you to know first I guess. (Smiled)

Leon: (Laughed) Thanks Vilu.

Vilu: (Smiled) Your welcome.

Leon: Wait, so how many weeks are you pregnant?

Vilu: Wait, let me think on when was my last period... (Started counting)

Leon: Well?

Vilu: Oh my goodness, I'm 4 weeks pregnant!

Leon: Well, looks like we've got a long way to go. (Smiled)

Vilu: We do but as long as I'm with you, we can get It through together. (Smiled)

Leon: I'm just so overwhelmed right now. Oh my god, I just feel like squeezing you in my arms right now and express my happiness.

Vilu: (Smiled) I know Leon.. I know. Can you believe it? We're finally going to be parents.

Leon: I can't believe it either. This is like a dream. I've always been somebody's son but to be somebody's father is like... Wow.

Vilu: Then what about being somebody's husband? Does that count?! (Smiled)

Leon: (Walked over to her and held her from behind Smiling) But to be somebody's husband is the most fulfilling and wonderful thing in the world. (Kissed her neck)

Vilu: (Smiled) Oh Leon, your just too sweet.

Leon: (Touched her face) And your just too beautiful.

Vilu: (Smiled) Let's go to bed. You can hold me all you want in there. (Touched his chin)

Leon: (Walked to the bed) I don't think I'll even be able to sleep.

Vilu: (Smiled) Don't worry, I'll make you.

Leon: And how will you do that exactly?!

Vilu: (Smiled) Goodnight. (Turned off the lights)

The next morning

Vilu: (Sat down on the bed)

Leon: (Woke up) Vilu...

Vilu: (Smiled) Hey Leon. How's your sleep?

Leon: Okay I guess...

Vilu: (Stroked his hair) Glad to hear.

Leon: Holding on to you really did help me sleep. And Vilu can I just say, I can feel that your stomach has become slightly big. Only like SLIGHTLY.

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