Chapter 10: Your reputation is at stake

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1/2 hours Later

Leon went into town in search of Aiden in hopes that he will somehow appear in the streets somewhere but sadly he couldn't find him so he decided to hit some shops downtown instead. He searched high and low but there wasn't any luck. It was already starting to get dark and he knew that time was running out. But he refused to give up. He was determined to find Aiden wherever he is no matter how long it takes.

At any point if he ever felt like giving up, he will remind himself that Aiden was somebody's child and he needed to do what's right. He would want someone to help him find Aiden if he was his own child. So he continued. He persevered.


A couple of hours later, he still had yet to find him. At this point he was starting to loose all hopes. He even got a text from Diego saying that Francesca was already coming into realization that Aiden wasn't in his room because he was starting to get a little weird about the whole 'standing in front of Aiden's door and stalling her' thing.

Leon was extremely infuriated. He was so mad at himself for failing to find somebody's child. He knew that he would never forgive himself if Aiden ever comes back because it would look like he never tried harder to search for him. That was it. Finally, Leon managed to force himself to turn around.

He was about to take a step when he saw someone from afar. When he looked harder, he realized that it wasn't Aiden but it was Olga carrying her basket of groceries walking back. He quickly sprinted to the side of a wall and went into hiding. He didn't want her to see him. He knew that if she saw him, she will tell Violetta and everything will be discovered.

But just then, to his horror, he saw Aiden at a shop opposite of where he was hiding. He was appalled and in shock. He didn't know what to do. He had to find a way to get to Aiden without letting Olga see him. But Aiden was already leaving the shop and was heading to the other direction. Leon knew what he had to do.

He took the risk, running all the the way to Aiden without letting Olga see him and pulled Aiden to the side of another wall.

Aiden: OW! What was that for?!

Leon: (Gave him a death stare)

Aiden: What?

Leon: Don't give me that face Aiden!

Aiden: Well then what face do you want me to give you?

Leon: (Furious) I CANNOT believe you escaped out of the house and came all the way here. Do you know what kind of danger you are putting yourself through?! What if someone kidnaps you?

Aiden: Then I would yell "hallelujah" because I will finally be able to stay somewhere other than that house.

Leon: This is NOT a joke Aiden! You JOLLY WELL know where you are supposed to be right NOW. Do you know that if ANYTHING happens to you, Diego and Francesca would be held responsible?! But Fran doesn't even know you escaped so Diego will be held responsible.

Aiden: Oh, I don't really care about that guy. Let him answer for me.  Right now, I'm going to my friends house to chill so would you excuse me, I need to be going-

Leon: (Blocked him)

Aiden: Can you move?

Leon: (Shook his head) Not until you get your butt over to where you are supposed to be which is your home. You are coming with me.

Aiden: You can't tell me what to do. Your not the boss of me.

Leon: I'm serious Aiden. If you don't come with me, I will call your mother right now and tell her what you have been up to.

Aiden: OOOOH, I'm so scared. (Waved his fingers around Leon's face)

Leon: (Grabbed his hand tightly) Listen here Aiden, I'm not quite  sure you know who you are dealing with so let me break it down to you. First and for most, I'm Leon Vargas which means that I am not really afraid of anything. The reason I went looking for you was because I care for you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I treat you as my own son. But if you are going to break that bubble for me, I will just take my phone, dial the police and let them know about you and then they will bring you home instead. You choose. Me, or the police.

Aiden: (A bit stunned)

Leon: And lucky for you, I don't lay hands on other people's kids because I don't have the heart to do it. So are you coming?!

Aiden: (Nodded his head in agreement)

Leon: That's what I thought.


Ludmi: Do you think this fits me?

Vilu: Meh.

Ludmi: How about this?

Vilu: You can do better.

Ludmi: Oh come on Violetta, be a little enthusiastic would you?

Vilu: I can't. Leon hasn't come home yet and it's already dark. I can't even call him. There's no signal.

Ludmi: I'm sure he is fine. I mean, Men love traveling from one place to another. He probably is just somewhere...

Leon: (Came in) Hey girls.

Vilu: (Got up) Oh, Leon, my love your here. I missed you. (Hugged him)

Ludmi: About time. Why so late?

Leon: I told you. I was helping Diego and Fran babysit.

Vilu: You could've answered my calls.

Leon: Sorry uhm.. I left my phone off.

Ludmi: You and your pathetic excuses. Ugh. (Scoffed)

Vilu: Well I don't care about that now. What's important is that I have my husband back and that's all that matters.

Ludmi: I'm sure. (Rolled her eyeballs)

Vilu: And I hear your collaborating with Diego.

Leon: (Almost chocked) What...?

Ludmi: Yeah Leon. Fran told us about your secret collaboration with Diego. What's it about?

Leon: Well uhm... I can't say.

Ludmi: Why not?

Leon: Because I can't.

Ludmi: Why can't?

Leon: Because I shall not.

Ludmi: Why shouldn't you?

Leon: Hey, don't you have other important stuffs to do?

Ludmi: No, not really no. All my important stuffs includes me helping to entertain your wife wife while your away.

Vilu: Hey Leon...

Leon: Yeah?

Vilu: What's this? (Showed her phone)

Ludmi: (Stared at him) What the...

Leon: (Shocked) No....

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