Chapter 23: The Shining stars

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Ludmi: (Pulled her hands away) Fede, wait.

Fede: (Looked at her)

Ludmi: Fede, I'm so sorry that I was so obnoxious to you the whole week. You didn't deserve it. I know I was wrong. I promise that I will just let this pass by us. From now on, no more marriage thoughts. I don't want anything to do with it. I just want to be with you and I wouldn't change that for some stupid proposal.

Fede: (Speechless)

Leon: (Stared at Vilu) Violetta Castillo Vargas, what the hell did you tell Ludmila?

Vilu: Ehm nothing.... (Guilty)

Ludmi: And what did you wanted to tell me?

Fede: Uhm... I.... I just wanted to say how lucky I am to have you in my life and I too wouldn't change that.

Ludmi: (Smiled and hugged him) I love you Fede.

Fede: ................

Ludmi: (Pulled away) oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you both were still there.

Vilu and Leon: ..........

Ludmi: Why are you both staring at me like that?

Leon: Ehm, no we're not staring. We're.... Thinking.

Ludmi: Thinking?

Vilu: Yeah you know... How perfect you both are and how.... wonderful it would be if Santa were to come and fix everything here.

Ludmi: Fix what?

Leon: Fix the water pipes. You know, they are rusty.

Ludmi: But you just bought this house like 1 week ago and it's already rusty?

Leon: (Smiled awkwardly) Excuse us for a second. (Pulled Vilu all the way out and shut the door)

Vilu: Man, what the hell is your problem?! Remember that I'm pregnant boy.

Leon: What did you tell Ludmila?

Vilu: What did you tell Fede?!

Leon: Don't change the subject. I asked you first.

Vilu: I don't know what you're talking about...

Leon: Spill it.

Vilu: Spill what?

Leon: The beans.

Vilu: I've got no beans.

Leon: 5....

Vilu: (Sighed) Okay, okay. I told her that... Maybe now is not the right time Fede is planning to propose so if she pushes him, he might not ever propose... to her.

Leon: (Sighed) Are you kidding me?

Vilu: I'm sorry..... I just wanted to help... Are you mad

Leon: (Sighed) No. Its alright. But we have to do something.

Vilu: (Sad) I feel like you're mad at me...

Leon: (Sighed and hugged her) No, I'm not mad at you okay. I love you and I wouldn't get mad at you for the slightest thing.

Ludmi: (Came) Aww look what we have here. 2 lovebirds in love. Reminds me of us right Fede?

Fede: Yeah.... Right.

Leon: (Whispered to her) I think you should apologize to Fede.

Vilu: (Nodded her head)

Leon: Ehm Ludmila, do you wanna see our music room?!

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