Chapter 17: I trusted you and now everything is falling apart

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Leon: (Remained silent for a minute)

Fede: Ludmila what is wrong with you?

Ludmi: I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that and yell at you Leon.

Leon: (Stayed silent)

Ludmi: I'm just trying to make you understand.

Leon: (Shook his head) No, I get it. At first I didn't understand but now since you brought it up, you're right. I have to do something. (Got up)

Ludmi: Wait.

Leon: What?

Ludmi: Can I come with you?

Leon: No. I have to go alone.

Ludmi: I'm coming with you weather you like it or not. I have to see this with my own eyes. Fede, I'll be back soon. Come on Leon. (Took her jacket and went to the front door and opened it)

Leon: You're okay with this Fede?

Fede: Don't worry, I'm fine. Go with Ludmila. She might have a point.

Leon: Thanks... (Went out)

~ With Violetta ~

Vilu: (Knocked on the door)

??: (Opened it and was stunned) Violetta?

Vilu: (Smiled) Hey... Tomas.

Tomas: What are you doing here?

Vilu: I'm here to see you. I heard you had a horrible accident on your hand. How is it?

Tomas: (Raised his hand and revealed his bloody bandaged hand)

Vilu: Oh my god, it's awful.

Tomas: I know it's... not looking so pretty. Plus I have some minor injuries on my legs too but I can still walk.

Vilu: Oh god are you alright?

Tomas: I think I'm fine.

Vilu: No you are not. Let's just go inside and we will talk okay.

Tomas: Oh, sure... come in. (Opened the door for her)

Vilu: No need. I'll open and close it myself. You just go take a seat.

Tomas: Alright.... (Suffered to walk a bit but managed to take a seat on the couch)

Vilu: (Closed the door) So you live in this house alone?

Tomas: Yeah...

Vilu: Where's your parents?

Tomas: They're in Spain. I told them that I'm coming to Buenos Aires to visit for awhile and then I'll go back.

Vilu: Do they know about this?

Tomas: No and they can't know.

Vilu: But don't you think they deserve to know?

Tomas: If they know that I did this they are going to be so mad at me.

Vilu: (Sighed)

Tomas: Ehm... Do you want something to drink? I'll go get it for you. (Got up a bit)

Vilu: (Stopped him) No need Tomas. You are injured. If I want something I'll go get it myself. 

Tomas: But this is my house and It doesn't seem right if I don't at least give you a drink.

Vilu: You want me to drink?

Tomas: Yeah...

Vilu: (Smiled) Then I'll go get it. Do you want some too?

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