Chapter 19: Life took care of it

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Vilu: (Pulled away)

Ludmi: Leon, you're just gonna stand there and not do anything?

Leon: (Stood there)

Tomas: (Stunned) W-why did you just do that?

Vilu: BECAUSE I'm trying to prove a point.

Tomas: What point are you trying to prove? You just kissed me in front of everyone. Look at all of them.

Vilu: You know what's the point? I felt NOTHING.

Tomas: What?

Vilu: (Came down the stairs) I felt nothing. I kissed you but I felt nothing. That means my feelings for you are gone.

Tomas: You're not making any sense.

Vilu: Don't get me wrong, I do love you Tomas, but only as friends. My heart belongs to this guy right here. (Went to Leon)

Leon: What...?

Vilu: Leon, I'm sorry for everything. You know I love you and I'll always will. Nobody and nothing can change that. Not even Tomas.

Leon: (Smiled)

Vilu: Tomas, I'm sorry I kissed you. But I hope you at least get that and treasure it forever. And by the way, that was a friend's kiss, got it?

Tomas: (Smiled and nodded his head)

Vilu: And Lara, I'm very sorry for everything that I've done too. I know I hurt you but I just want you to know, Tomas is free now. He will and always will be from now on. I promise that I will not get in between your relationship because I already know where my heart belongs. (Smiled and looked at Leon)

Tomas: (Came down) And Lara, I'm sorry for everything too. You know I love you because whatever it is, things between Violetta and me are over. I love her but it's time to move on. If I can do it, you can too.

Lara: (Nodded her head) I'll think about it. Thanks for telling me. (Smiled and went off)

Ludmi: Well isn't this touching but I think we have got to get going now.

Vilu: (Smiled) Bye Tomas. Take care of yourself. Till we meet again. (Hugged him)

Tomas: Take care too Vilu. I'll miss you. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Smiled and pulled away) Lets go.

??: TOMAS?!

Tomas: (Shocked) Mum?! What are you doing here?!

Susana: I came here to see you of course! It's been 1 whole month!

Vilu: 1 month?!

Susana: (Looked at him closely) What the... What happened to you?! What's with your hand? And your legs?

Tomas: Ehm...

Vilu: It's my fault auntie.

Ludmi: Violetta...

Susana: Wait, who are you again?

Vilu: I'm... Violetta.

Susana: Violetta? Wait, is this the girl Agustina have been telling me about?

Tomas: Wait what? Eheh, what did she tell you?

Susana: That you were in love with her and all but some other guy always seems to be taking her away from you. I can't remember his name.

Leon: (Held his head) Oh my god...

Tomas: Ehem... Well that's true but...

Vilu: Auntie, The truth is he came here to visit me and I made him go to a party with me. I got really drunk and accidentally hit his hands with a glass bottle.

Susana: What?! (Shocked)

Tomas: Violetta N-

Vilu: As for his legs well... I think he might've bruised it somehow.

Susana: Violetta I don't know what to say.

Tomas: Mum I-

Susana: And you?! Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?!

Tomas: I was afraid you'd be disappointed in me.

Susana: Well I already am. Not only with you but with Violetta as well. I mean, you don't even seem like the type of girl who would do such a thing Violetta.

Vilu: Uhm...

Susana: Wait, is that a mini baby bump?

Vilu: (Looked down) Ehm...

Susana: Wait, are you pregnant?!

Vilu: Ehm... Yeah.

Susana: Who's baby is it?!

Vilu: (Pointed at Leon) His.

Susana: His? Wait, did you two have a one night stand or something?

Vilu: Auntie, I'm married to him.

Susana: Oh, I'm sorry. That was a bit embarrassing.

Ludmi: (Slapped her forehead) Oh my god.

Susana: Anyways, what's his name then?

Vilu: His?

Leon: I'm Leon....

Susana: Leon? Wait, is this the guy Agustina has also been telling me about?

Ludmi: How much things did that little brat tell your mum Tomas?!

Susana: Ludmila! How could you call her that?!

Ludmi: I've always disliked that girl. She annoys me.

Tomas: Mum, what did she tell you?

Susana: She said that there was this boy named Leon who always seemed to be giving you a hard time by bullying you and always taking Violetta away from you so that he can have her for himself.

Ludmi: That's... not entirely wrong but...


Ludmi: What? It's a fact. You wanted Violetta for yourself didn't you?

Leon: That's not what it seemed like.

Susana: Whatever it is, it doesn't matter now. You have Violetta already. You've successfully won so there's no point in talking now.

Leon: Alright then.

Susana: And Violetta, I'm sorry to say this but I don't want you near Tomas anymore and I'll make sure of that because I'll be taking care if him from now on.

Tomas: What?!

Vilu: (Nodded her head) I understand auntie. I completely understand. I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry. Now will you excuse me, I've got to go.

Tomas: (Ran to her) Wait, Violetta-

Vilu: (Smiled) Bye Tomas. (Got on the motorcycle with Leon)

Ludmi: So I'm supposed to sit at the back?

Vilu: Just hold on okay?

Ludmi: Ugh, fine.

As Leon started the motorcycle, Vilu and Tomas both stared at each other as they said their final goodbyes mentally. When Leon finally took of, Violetta gave Tomas a final "I'll see you soon" smile and finally disappeared into the wind with Tomas just staring at her with his mother by his side.

I feel like the number of readers I have has decreased drastically and it worries me because I feel like it's no used of me writing if only some people are gonna read it. But then again, thank you for all those reading. ❤💓

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