Chapter 31: Hospitals and regrets

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Doctor: I'm very sorry. I'll be back to check on her. In the meantime, please wait out here. You can visit her once my nurses has done examining her.

Leon: Thank you doctor...

Doctor: (Went)

Fran: (Crying)

Diego: I can't believe it.

Leon: (Shockingly sat down on the chair)

Fran: 2 days after my marriage and I'm already crying.

Diego: (Held her) Shhh....everything's going to be okay my love.

Fran: (Crying) I'm so broken hearted right now.

Leon: This is all my fault. I left her there alone and this is what happens?

Fran: (Crying) Leon, because of you my best friend is in the hospital miscarriaged. All this because of your STUPID MUSIC VIDEO.

Leon: (Held his head)



Fran: .............

Leon: (Sighed) I'm sorry Fran. I just...

Diego: Okay enough. My love, take a seat and rest yourself. Leon, we need to talk.

Leon: I don't think I want to Diego.

Diego: Leon, listen to me. I can't imagine how you must be feeling now but please take it easy. Violetta is strong. Just because the baby didnt make it, doesn't mean she won't.

Leon: I messed up Diego. Big time.

Diego: This isn't entirely your fault so please dont pressure youself.

Fran: (Got up) UHM YES IT IS!

Diego: Fran...

Fran: (Sat back down)

Diego: Look, what's important is that Violetta is healthy and alive. She will be alright Leon, don't worry.

German: (Came running with Angie, Ludmila and Federico) What HAPPENED? Wheres Violetta?! Is SHE ALRIGHT?

Diego: Yeah, she's alright. She's just in the ER. The nurses are checking on her.

Angie: What happened?

Fran: Why don't you ask her husband?! (Rolled her eyeballs)

German: Leon...

Leon: (Sighed) I told Violetta I had to shoot my music video for half a day for 3 days and so I went for 2 days and today was supposedly the last day but I backed out last minute when Francesca called me telling me that Violetta has been Sent to the hospital.

Fran: Mr Castillo, there was blood all over the floor when we went to her house.

Angie: (Gasped) Oh my GOD.

German: So what happened to her? Is she okay?

Diego: She is but...

German: But what?

Diego: (Looked at Leon) Leon...

Leon: (Sighed) She... suffered... a miscarriage.

Everyone: (Shocked)

Angie: A M-miscarriage....?!

German: (Shocked)

Ludmi: (Shocked) I can't believe it.

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