Chapter 25: Say it before it's too late

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The next day

Vilu: (Sleeping)

Leon: (On the phone) Onika please just hear me out.

Onika: I don't want ANY EXCUSE. You are doing the music video and that's it.

Leon: But I haven't even written a song yet.

Onika: You did Leon. Remember all the drafts you gave to me the other time?

Leon: But those are really old songs.

Onika: I don't care! You need to put out a song soon. You've been 'MIA' for so long, people are gonna think you're dead.

Leon: But do I really have to do the R-rated music video?

Onika: I wouldn't call it R-rated. It's just you and another girl in a bath tub as the music plays in the background.

Leon: That's EXACTLY what it is. Why can't Violetta be that girl?

Onika: Because she's pregnant. And I can't let her act out a scene like that when she's pregnant.

Leon: Oh please. A lot of pregnant people do worst scenes than that.

Onika: I'm sorry I can't let her. It's for her own good.

Leon: (Sighed)

Onika: But Don't worry. It'll be over before you know it. I'll call you soon to confirm the date.

Leon: But-

Onika: (Ended the call)

Leon: (Looked at his phone) You have got to be kidding me.

Vilu: (Woke up) Why are you awake so early in the morning?

Leon: (Sighed) Its Onika.

Vilu: (Got up) Onika? Your manager?

Leon: Yeah... She told me I had to release new music soon and act with a random girl in an r-rated music video

Vilu: Then go for it.

Leon: You're not serious are you?

Vilu: I am. Just do it and get it over with.

Leon: I have to be with her in a bathtub you know.

Vilu: What's the problem again?

Leon: Because I'm with you and I don't want you to be jealous.

Vilu: Why would I be? I get to sleep and wake up with you every morning and night compared to that girl who's gonna act in a bathtub with you for only 1 day.

Leon: You're right...

Vilu: Did Onika mention anything about me?

Leon: Yeah. I asked her if you could be that girl and she said you cant because you're pregnant.

Vilu: Excuse her?

Leon: Exactly.

Vilu: I assume she has never seen movies or TV shows before.

Leon: Exactly what I said.

Vilu: Who says a pregnant girl can't act in a music video? It's not even obvious I am pregnant. She's out of her mind.

Leon: I guess I'll just do it and get it over with.

Vilu: Yeah you should. Don't worry, I'll be alright.

Leon: You sure?

Vilu: (Smiled) I will, don't worry.

Leon: (Smiled)

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