Chapter 30: Gone too soon

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Later after the wedding

Fran: (Came with Diego)

Everyone: (Cheered) Congratulations Francesca and Diego!

Fran: Aww thank you guys.

Cami: My Franny is finally married. (Hugged her)

Vilu: You were great Fran. Congrats on being married.

Ludmi: Lets take a  selfie girls. (Took the picture) A Toast to Francesca and Diego.

Fede: Well Diego, congrats.

Broduey: We're so proud of you.

Diego: Thanks guys. Leon, since we're the only two that is married, I'm gonna need some marriage advice from you.

Leon: No problem. I'll be happy to help you if you need anything.

Fede: Girls, come here for awhile.

Ludmi: (Came with the girls) What is it my love?

Fede: Explain to the rest of the guys why you all were late because they all dont seem to believe me.

Cami: The situation is very complicated.

Vilu: Yeah the Limo was parked at Francesca's house but the owner of the building didn't let them in because the bills were unpaid.

Diego: Unpaid? But I thought I paid for it already.

Fran: No you didn't. Because the guy literally kicked all of us out and we had to do our preparation at Leon's house.

Diego: So how did you guys get here?

Leon: I had a spare car in my garage and I also had my motorcycle. So I asked Lara to drive the girls in the car while I drive with Violetta on the motorcycle.

Maxi: Lara?

Fede: Why her?

Leon: Because she happened to drop by and she was the only one that had a driver's licence so I asked her to.

Diego: Okay I think that's enough. The most important thing is that Fran made it in time to be my wife. (Smiled)

Fran: (Smiled)

Everyone: Awwww.

Cami: That is so sweet.

Vilu: So cute.

Lara: (Came slowly) Hi....

Diego: Hey Lara. Listen, I'm so sorry that you had to drive my wife and her friends to the wedding. I'm so sorry for the trouble.

Lara: (Smiled) Its no trouble at all. I'm just happy that Francesca made it in time for her wedding. 
Fran: (Smiled) Thank you Lara. I'll never forget this wonderful thing you did for me. I really owe you a lot. This is the best thing anyone could have ever done for me. Thank you once again. You're a life saver Lara. (Hugged her)

Vilu: (Looked down)

Diego: Guys should we go eat?

Cami: Yeah I'm starving!

Fran: Lets GO!

Leon: Oh Lara before you go, I just wanted to say how proud I am of you.

Lara: Proud of me? For what?

Leon: For doing the right thing. I didn't think you would agree to drive us.

Lara: Well Leon, a certain someone taught me to always do the right thing.

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