Chapter 45: You are an inspiration to me

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1 week later

Vilu: (Smiled) Open up Grace.

Grace: (Laughed and open her mouth)

Vilu: (Smiled and fed her) Good girl grace. Your laugh is the cutest thing.

Leon: (Came)

Vilu: Oh, hey my love. What's wrong? You look stressed.

Leon: I don't think letting Aiden go out and buy sugar alone is safe. What is something happens to him?

Vilu: Relax Leon. He might be 8 but he really is smart and mature. He said it himself.

Leon: And you believe him? 

Vilu: I think we should just let him prove to us that he is what he said he is.

Leon: Lets face it, the boy is mischievous and dangerous. He's. capable of anything. I know it. I've been there before.

Vilu: (Chuckled) What's the most mischievous and dangerous thing you've ever done?

Leon: Some things. (Folded his arms)

Vilu: (Chuckled)

Leon: (Faked smile) Violetta Castillo, what's so funny?

Vilu: (Chuckled) Nothing.

Leon: If you don't wipe that smile off your face now, I'm going to go there and make sure you regret it.

Vilu: OH, really HUH? Gracie, you think he is capable of doing that?

Grace: (Laughed)

Vilu: See, even she's laughing at you. Even to a baby you're ridiculous.

Leon: That's it, come here girl.

Vilu: (Smiled) Why don't you come here and we'll see who's winning.

Leon: Hmm, I don't know. I'm too lazy. What do I get in return if I go there.

Vilu: (Raised her eyebrows) I don't know... Maybe you might get a kiss or something. Depends on if you're good or not

Leon: (Laughed and shook his head)

Vilu: (Laughed)

Aiden: (Came) Hey.

Vilu: Oh, Aiden. You're back already? That was fast.

Aiden: Yeah, I went straight to the market like you said and got the sugar you wanted. (Gave it to her)

Vilu: (Smiled) Oh, thank you.

Aiden: I'm gonna go up and play my phone now. (Went)

Vilu: See Leon? He really is a good and responsible boy. I think you should give him a chance.

Leon: Please, just cause he helped You buy sugar doesn't mean he is a good and responsible boy. You know what? I can't take this acting anymore. I'm gonna find out what he's up to. (Went up)

Vilu: He's completely lost it.


Leon: (Slowly walked to his door and finally opened it)

Aiden: (Quickly hid something behind his back) Leon?! Ever heard of knocking?!

Leon: Very funny. And I saw that Aiden. What's that you're hiding behind your back?

Aiden: Nothing.

Leon: Give it to me now.

Aiden: I said it was nothing.

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