Chapter 37: Is she alright?

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Fran: I can't believe he's doing this.

Cami: 1 week and his itchy hands already found its way to HER.

Vilu: Nah, don't worry about it girls. It's always like that.

Ludmi: (Confused) What?

Cami: Vilu, he's all over her. Aren't you upset or anything?

Vilu: (Shook her head) No and I have no right to.

Fran: No right? You're his WIFE.

Vilu: I know but they're only friends.

Naty: They don't look like it.

Cami: I can't believe you're not affected by this. I know I would be if I saw Broudey hanging out with other girls like that.

Ludmi: Ugh, I know right. Seeing girls flirting with your man. So annoying.

Vilu: I guessed I've learnt to accept their relationship. I'm not insecure anymore. I've gone through this a thousand of times. And Lara is not like that. I'm sure she only wants to see Leon happy with the woman he loves.

Naty: And who's that supposed to be?

Vilu: ME of course.

Naty: Are you sure? They look like they're hitting it off.

Vilu: (Shrugged) Its just their friendship. They're like brother and sister.

Fran: Violetta you don't seem well. Are you okay? (Touched her head)

Cami: Should we go visit a doctor? You look pale.

Ludmi: Or I can take you to a psychiatrist.

Vilu: Girls, enough. I'm not kidding. I'm done talking about this.

Fran: NO Violetta. I will NOT let Leon do this to my BEST FRIEND.

Vilu: Do WHAT? He's NOT doing ANYTHING to me.

Ludmi: He hasn't seen you for 5 months and he probably bonded with Sophia even more. And NOW this?!

Vilu: I told him that I would forgive him if anything happens between him and Sophia.

Cami: OH, So you're just going to go through the "Forgiveness" path now?!

Clement: I'm sorry, what's happening here? I don't understand.

Ludmi: You stay out of it!  Why don't you go join your father inside and mind your own business?

Vilu: Ludmila, don't TALK to him like that.

Clement: No, she's right. I hope everything turns out well for you Violetta. I've got to go. (Went)

Vilu: LOOK what you made him do!

Fran: NO, we are talking about Leon here! DO NOT change the subject.

Vilu: Why can't you all just let this go?!

Cami: Because we care about you Violetta and we don't want to see you getting hurt like this again.

Vilu: I'm not HURT! Why don't you girls get it?

Ludmi: His actions are unacceptable.

Fran: The ONLY person he should be hugging, touching AND kissing is VIOLETTA CASTILLO.

Vilu: (Sighed) Listen girls, I'm not an angel either. I was going to let Tomas kiss me and he saw that. He actually said that he learnt to accept my relationship with Tomas. I need to do the same with his relationships.

Ludmi: Well guess what? You both are fools.

Leon: (Came with Lara) Ludmila, if you're gonna call me a fool, you could've just go somewhere else and do it. I'm right here.

Ludmi: I didn't know you were here. (Folded her arms)

Leon: Oh really? Because I've been standing here for 20 seconds and I heard everything you girls have been talking about me and Lara.

Ludmi: If you were gonna hold and hug Lara, you could've also done it somewhere else where nobody could see you. What do you think the paparazzi would do if they saw you both?

Fran: YEAH, I CAN'T believe you would do this to Violetta. I'm her BEST FRIEND. You know I don't like it when you hang out with that girl. I've said it a THOUSAND times.

Vilu: Fran, I've already told you that Leon and Lara are just friends and I'm used to them being like that. Why won't you just listen to me.

Lara: Wait, you all thought that there was something going on between me and Leon?

Fran: What do you think? There was before.

Lara: That's in the past. I would never do that to Violetta. I'm not like that.

Vilu: You see?

Ludmi: I don't believe a word of it.

Lara: That is your problem. I know my relationship with Leon and we're just good friends.

Fran: Then why were you both all over each other HUH?

Lara: How were we all over each other?

Cami: He was carrying you.

Lara: That was because I wanted to seat on the railings and I was too short.

Leon: Can all of you just leave me alone with Violetta? I need to talk to her

Lara: Me too?

Leon: No, you stay.

Fran: (Rolled her eyeballs) Of course she has to stay. (Scoffed and went with the girls)

Leon: (Sighed) Violetta...

Vilu: Relax, take it easy. I'm not jealous or anything. (Smiled)

Leon: Are you sure?

Vilu: (Smiled) Yeah... but I'm just... Disappointed.

Lara: But earlier you said you were find with it.

Vilu: (Smiled) I am. It's just that I never got to spend time with Leon for months like the way you both did just now and I never will for the next couple of months...

Leon: Couple of months? I thought your dad said he would give you 1 to 2 weeks more after that you can stay with me.

Vilu: This isn't about my dad. This is about me.

Leon: I don't understand.

Lara: Yeah me either.

Vilu: I spoke with Tanya and the tour date has been changed. I'm going on my European tour in a couple of days time.

Leon: (Shocked)

Fran: (Came with the girls) EXCUSE ME? Did I hear you right?

Vilu: So Lara I hope you would take good care of him for me. And don't worry, I'm completely find with it. You can do whatever you want with him. (Smiled and went)

Leon: (Shocked)

Cami: Something is not right with Vilu. She's changed. What's going on?

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