Chapter 53: Who should I trust

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Andre: (Stood outside the toilet)

~30 seconds later~

Vilu: (Came out and saw Andre) Andre? What are you doing here?

Andre: Uhm... I uhm I wanted to use the toilet.....?

Vilu: In my room? You know there's a toilet downstairs right?

Andre: I mean yeah but...

Vilu: (Folded her arms and sighed) What is it Andre?

Andre: Okay fine, I'll tell you...  Leon asked me to keep an eye on you to make sure nothing's wrong.

Vilu: What? He really asked you to do that? Oh, that's so sweet Andre but tell him I'm fine.

Andre: You sure?

Vilu: (Smiled) Yes Andre, I'm fine. Really.

Andre: Then why do you keep going to the toilet?

Vilu: I've been drinking more water than I usually do that's all.

Andre: You know... there's a lot of reasons why people go to toilet frequently. You wanna know?

Vilu: Sure, enlighten me with your great knowledge.

Andre: People go to toilet frequently because they might have diabetes, Anxiety, medications and....

Vilu: And what...?

Andre: (Chocked) When they have done it.

Vilu: Done what?

Andre: I think you know. I don't need to explain.

Vilu: What are you talking about Andre?

Andre: The big thing.

Vilu: OH, I see. But what are you saying?

Andre: Well... I don't want to assume or pry but have you and Leon like...

Vilu: (Sighed) Yes Andre.

Andre: Then it must be that. Or you might be pregnant.

Vilu: Well... maybe that's true but I don't really want to think about it. It hurts me because of what happened last time. I lost it.

Andre: Didn't you say you were over it?

Vilu: (Shook her head) I wasn't before. I remember crying every night at home. Leon didn't know it.

Andre: Wait, so do you want kids or not?

Vilu: I mean, sure. But not right now.

Andre: You should tell that to Leon.

Vilu: I'm pretty sure he wants one. Telling him that might break his heart like it did the last time.

Andre: No but Leon told me he didn't want kids too.

Vilu: Wait What?

Andre: He said he doesn't want kids at the moment too. He said he has his career and all plus Sophia.

Vilu: What does Sophia got to do with this?

Andre: I don't know but that's what he said.

Vilu: No, no, no!

Andre: What's wrong? I thought you didn't want kids too?

Vilu: I do Andre. More than ANYTHING. I'm scared but if it did happen, I would be so happy. It's different from what he thinks.

Leonetta: Our children are in our hands (Sequel To Marriage) Where stories live. Discover now