Chapter 24: I'm engaged

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Fede: Well Ludmila, what do you say?

Ludmi: (Still shocked)

Naty: Aww Say yes Ludmila!

Vilu: Come on Ludmila.

Ludmi: Is this really happening?

Cami: Yeah you better believe it.

Naty: Ludmi, hurry up! Say something!

Ludmi: I ehm...

Fede: Ludmila is something wrong?

Ludmi: (Smiled and ran onto the stage grabbing the microphone) OF COURSE I WILL!

Everyone: (Cheered)

Ludmi: (Kissed him)

Everyone: (Went wild)

Cami: (Smiled and folded her arms) Well looks like she got her happy ending after all.

Naty: (So happy) I'm so proud and happy for Ludmila! I always dreamed that this day would come!

Maxi: (Confused) You realize that this is Ludmila's proposal right? Why do you sound so happy like its your proposal or something?

Naty: Because Number 1, Ludmila is my bestfriend and I want her to be happy and number 2, you WOULDNT give me one!

Ludmi: Oh Fede, I love you thank you so much. I've always dreamed that my proposal would be like this ever since I was a little kid. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Fede: (Smiled) You're the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Everyone: AWWWW.

Fran: Aww so sweet.

Cami: I'm melting.

Vilu: That is so romantic awww. ..

Fede: Eheh, sorry guys. I forgot to turn off the microphone. You weren't supposed to hear that.

Naty: (Shouted) BUT WE DID!

Fede: (Awkwardly turned off the Microphone)


All the girls: (Ran and hugged Ludmila)

Naty: Congrats Ludmi!

Cami: You were amazing

Fran: That was so sweet!

Vilu: I'm so glad you said yes!

Fede: I'm even more glad. (Smiled)

Ludmi: (Smiled) Thank you girls.

Broudey: (Came with the guys) Hey, hey, hey where's the newly engaged girl I'm looking for?

Ludmi: (Smiled) Right here!

Broudey: Congrats Ludmila.

Ludmi: (Smiled)

Diego: We're so happy for you!

Ludmi: (Smiled)

Leon: Congrats Ludmi. We're so glad that you finally will be able to move on to the next chapter in your life.

Ludmi: (Raised her eyebrows surprisingly and smiled) Oh, well thank you Leon. Means alot coming from you.

Leon: (Smiled)

Ludmi: And you Fede, thank you so much once again for this. This is the best day ever.

Fede: Actually, I must give credit to Violetta. She was the one who helped me and gave me the idea of planning this entire thing.

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