Chapter 41: He makes me so happy

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The next day

Vilu: (On stage) THANK YOU FLORIDA!

~Crowd cheers wildly~

Vilu: (Microphone) I'll be singing one more song for you guys. I'm sure you all know it so sing along with me!

~Como Quieres starts playing~

3 minutes later

Vilu: THANK YOU SO MUCH FLORIDA! YOU'VE BEEN AN AMAZING AUDIENCE AND I HOPE TO COME BACK SOON! SEE YOU! (Waved at the crowd and then finally disappeared backstage)

Tanya: (Clapped her hands) Bravo Violetta. That was awesome. You were PHENOMENAL!

Vilu: (Smiled) Thanks....

Tanya: Now since your tour is done, you can finally go rest yourself. And next time, please tell me when you are stressed. I am responsible for your health Violetta. You are my number 1 priority. Don't EVER keep something like that away from me again. Do you understand?!

Vilu: (Nodded her head) I understand.

Tanya: And those pills, have you stopped taking them?

Vilu: Y-yeah... I stopped taking them ever since I saw Leon. He helped me alot.

Tanya: Good because speaking of Leon....

Leon: (Came) Hey...

Vilu: OH, Leon! What a nice surprise. (Went and hugged him)

Tanya: Well I better be going now. I'll leave you two to talk for a moment. Excuse me. (Smiled and went)

Vilu: What are you doing here? I thought you went back to Buenos Aires?

Leon: How do you know?

Vilu: You told me?

Leon: (Smiled) I only told you but that doesn't mean I really did it.

Vilu: So you didn't?

Leon: Of course not. I didn't have the heart to. After I sent u here, I went shopping.

Vilu: (Confused) Shopping?! What did u buy?

Leon: It's a surprise. (Smiled)

Vilu: Oh, come on Leon. Don't tease me. Tell me what it is.

Leon: (Folded his arms) Hmm... No. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Grabbed his arms) Come onnnnnn. Tell meeeee.

Leon: Okay find, I got you a gorgeous dress and some flowers. I know it's very cliche and cheesy but please accept it. 

Vilu: (Smiled) Cliche? I LOVE Flowers and dresses. I live for them. Aww I can't believe you know me so well. Thank you.

Leon: (Smiled) You're welcome.

Vilu: And ehm... One more thing. I just want to say thank you for helping me go through my ehm...  depression yesterday. It was really scary to be honest. Luckily you were there.

Leon: Vilu, you are my other half. I'll do anything for you especially if it means helping you.

Vilu: What... made you come look for me?

Leon: (Kept quiet for a moment)

Vilu: Leon?

Leon: I don't want to talk about it.

Vilu: Was it a dream again?

Leon: No, it's nothing.

Vilu: Leon, please. You need to tell me.

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