Chapter 51: Violetta is done with it

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Violetta: (Playing the piano)

Andre: I was thinking you could come with me to Mar del Plata and support me. I'll be singing there and I would really appreciate if you could come.

Leon: Sure, why not? When are you going?

Andre: I don't know.. maybe next year.

Leon: Why so long?

Andre: I need to gather the money to go there. I'm not like you Leon.

Leon: Why not-

Andre: And NO! I don't want you to sponsor me. I want to be independent.

Leon: Okay then...

Andre: So You're really cool with coming with me?

Leon: Of course. Why not?

Andre: Then what about Violetta?

Leon: She can come too...

Andre: (Shook his head) I don't think she can.

Leon: Why not?

Vilu: (Stared at Andre) Yeah Andre, why not?!

Andre: Because you both will be so lovey dovey the entire trip and I don't want to be caught up in that again. It makes me feel single.

Leon: No it's not gonna.

Andre: Uhm, yes it will. You don't have to constantly remind me that I'm single Leon. I get it.  Geesh.

Leon: What did I do?

Andre: (Sad) Oh, nothing. Nevermind.

Vilu: (Got up) Oh, Andre. Don't be sad. The right girl will come, I promise.

Andre: You really think so?

Vilu: Of course. You just need more time to get to know people and be more involved. It might be a long process but it will be worth it. (Smiled)

Andre: Then how come you don't have to go through that? You can get any guy you want just by looking at them. Everyone loves you.

Vilu: (Touched his shoulders and smiled) That's true but I only love one person Andre.

Andre: I'm flattered Violetta but you're with Leon and I would never do that to him even if I do like you a bit.

Vilu: But that's what I.... Nevermind.

~Doorbell rings~

Leon: I'll get it. (Got up)

Andre: Who could that be?

Vilu: I don't know...

Leon: (Opened the door and smiled) Hey Sophia.

Sophia: Hey Leon. (Smiled and hugged him) Can I come in?

Leon: (Smiled) Sure.

Andre: Who's that?

Vilu: Oh, nobody. Just a friend of Leon's. She's his working partner.

Andre: So that's her? Wow, she's pretty.

Sophia: (Came in) Wow, you got a nice place here.

Leon: (Smiled) Thanks.

Sophia: (Came and smiled) Oh, hey Violetta. Nice to see you.

Vilu: (Smiled neutrally) Hi.

Sophia: (Looked at Andre) Oh uhm, who's this...?

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