Chapter 6: Leon's loosing patience

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Vilu: (Came to Leon) Leon....

Leon: (Drinking)

Vilu: Leon, look at me.

Leon: (Looked at her) What is it Vilu?

Vilu: Don't you think you were a little harsh on Aiden?

Leon: (Shrugged) He's a boy. He can handle it.

Vilu: But still, what you did was wrong. He's already not having a good time here, the last thing he needs is someone shouting at his face.

Leon: He literally has no discipline or respect.

Vilu: Wha- is this about him wanting to supposedly marry me or something? Are you jealous of a 9 year old?! Is that where your at?!

Leon: What?! No. That has nothing to do with it.

Vilu: Then WHAT is it?!

Leon: I- (Sighed) Nevermind... Can we go home? I just need a break from here.

Vilu: Fine but you first go and apologize to Aiden.

Leon: Are you serious?!

Vilu: Yes! Now GO!

Leon: (Sighed and went)

Outside Aiden's door

Leon: (Knocked his door)

Aiden: Who is it?!

Leon: Its Leon! Can I come in?

Aiden: NO!

Leon: (Opened the door) You realize that your door is unlocked right?!

Aiden: (Didn't reply)

Leon: (Came) Aiden look, I'm really sorry for yelling at you just now. I was just frustrated.

Aiden: Why are you here?!

Leon: I just... Want to reconcile with you. Maybe we can talk things out?

Aiden: Can you just go?

Leon: What?!

Aiden: Just go Leon. I'm not really in the mood for all this crappy stuffs. Call me when I'm legally available to drink so maybe we can drink it out or something.

Leon: Aiden, I'm trying to apologize, don't make this harder for the both of us.

Aiden: I'm NOT the one who is making this harder for the both of us. YOU are! If there's one thing you should know about me, is that I'm straight forward and I don't do drama. You want drama, go to the theater.

Leon: Well, at least your telling me this. So now I know.

Aiden: You should've known a long time ago! Didn't my cousin tell you about me?

Leon: Who?! Francesca?! No, not really...

Aiden: (Sneered) Makes sense. Whatever, I don't wanna talk about this anymore. How about you just get out and I continue doing whatever I wanna do. Sounds fair?!

Fran: (Came) Aiden, I heard that! That is NOT the way to talk to him!

Aiden: You SEE what I mean Leon?! THIS is what I mean.

Fran: First of all, do NOT call him by his name. Its disrespectful! Address him as Uncle Leon. Secondly, watch that attitude of yours.

Aiden: Ohhh, no problem Auntie Francesca.

Fran: What did you just call me?!

Aiden: You said I needed to call Leon, "Uncle Leon" so if that's the case, I should call you Auntie too. You know, as a mark of respect because its disrespectful. Makes sense?

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