Chapter 46: The Doctor is back

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1 week later

~Knocking on the door~

Leon: (Opened it and smiled) Hey Andre.

Andre: (Hugged him) OH, LEON. How's is going man?

Leon: (Smiled) Great. Come in.

Andre: (Came in and Looked around) Woah Leon, your house is AMAZING.

Leon: (Laughed) Thanks. It's so great to have you back here. I missed you Andre.

Andre: (Was gonna cry) Oh, no don't do this to me.

Leon: (Widened his eyes) Do what?

Andre: Stop it seriously. (Gonna cry)

Leon: Okay, just calm down.

Andre: I can't calm down. I'm getting emotional.

Leon: Okay just... Take a seat.

Andre: Take a seat where? There's no seat here.

Leon: Lets just go sit at the Couch  alright.

Andre: (Sighed) Okay. (Sat on the couch)

Leon: So what's up Andre? Haven't seen you in a while. What have you been doing?

Andre: Travelling the world. Oh, IT'S THE BEST THING TO DO. It's my new favourite thing. I met ALL SORTS OF PEOPLE and went to all sorts of unique places.

Leon: (Laughed) Really? That's great. I'm so happy for you.

Andre: (Nudged him and smiled) And you? What about you?

Leon: (Shrugged) What about me?

Andre: What have you been up to? I heard you are quite a big deal here in Buenos Aires. In fact, when I arrived at the airport today, your face was on tv.

Leon: Yeah, well I have been working alot. I just went on my tour a while ago. And now I'm writing more songs. It's more stressful than it sounds.

Andre: And how's your other things going?

Leon: Other things? Like what? You talking about motorcross?

Andre: No, not that. How's your relationship with Violetta going? Great?!

Leon: (Laughed) Oh Yeah, we're doing just fine. I'm more in love with her than I ever was.

Andre: Ahhhhh, I know that smile of yours. Congrats. You've truly found the one. Man, I was afraid you both would break up again. I really can't go through that again.

Leon: Neither can I Andre.

Andre: Oh, yeah I forgot you both are married. Man, time flies. Sorry I couldn't be there. I wouldn't miss my best friend wedding, you know that.

Leon: (Smiled) Its fine Andre. Thanks for remembering.

Andre: (Smiled) So Any new human's coming into this world? Oh, I don't know... Maybe a mini Leonetta baby?!

Leon: (Shook his head and smiled) No Andre. Not yet. Actually she was expecting one but the baby died.

Andre: Oh really? How?

Leon: Violetta fell down and the baby died instantly.

Andre: Oh, I'm so sorry about your lost. How's she taking it?

Leon: She was quite upset at first but I guess she learnt to get over it. She's very brave.

Andre: Well that could be a good thing right?

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