Chapter 38: Books and farewells

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Leon: (Ran after her) Violetta, WAIT.

Vilu: (Smiled) What Leon?

Leon: I don't understand. Then what about me and you? If you go on your tour, we're gonna be apart again.

Vilu: (Smiled and hesitated) Then... I guess we're gonna have to just deal with it. 6 months of not seeing each other.

Leon: 6 MONTHS?

Vilu: We're just going to have to find a way then. But don't worry, I'm sure we will get through it, just like we always do.

Leon: How are you so okay with this.

Vilu: (Smiled) I'm used to it.

Leon: What?

Vilu: I better go now. (Turned around)

Leon: Violetta wait-

Vilu: (Ran away and started crying)

Cami: Oh no.... (Ran after her)

Fran: VIOLETTA! (Ran after her)

Ludmi: (Ran with Naty)

Naty: Leon-

Leon: I have to talk with her Lara. Something isn't right.

Lara: I know. She's not herself.

Leon: I'll see you later. (Went)

Lara: (Smiled) Good luck.

A couple of days later

Leon: (On his phone)

Lorraine: Have you managed to  reach her yet?

Leon: No, she's not answering any of my calls or texts. Why won't she answer me? I didn't do anything to her.

Lorraine: Well, you were with... Who's her name again?

Leon: That's old news mum. Violetta has already said that she was fine with it. She said it herself.

Lorraine: Oh, come on now. I'm a woman myself and I won't be happy if my husband kept on hanging out with his ex.

Leon: We were just hanging out as friends. Nothing more.

Lorraine: (Shook her head) Nope, not enough. I'm very sure she just said that to make you happy.

Leon: You know what mum? This is ALL your fault.

Lorraine: (Raised her eyebrow) MY fault?! How is it my fault?

Leon: You are the one that  insisted we both stay apart from each other for a couple of weeks. I couldn't see or text Violetta so I had to hang out with Lara.

Lorriane: So you hanged out with her because you wanted to forget about Violetta?

Leon: (Sighed) That's not what I.... Ugh, you KNOW what? It's impossible to talk to you.

Lorraine: Part of this is YOUR fault. Who asked you to hang out with her in the first place?

Leon: I was lonely with no one to talk or hang out with. The only thing I had was my music. Not that you would know how I'm feeling.

Lorraine: Actually, I DO.

Leon: No, because if you did know, you WOULDN'T have teamed up with German and insist that we both stay apart from each other.

Lorraine: I was doing it for her own good. I was looking out for her. She's like my daughter.

Leon: So then I'm no longer your son anymore?

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