Chapter 32: Separation = Changes

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Leon: (Looked at him)

German: Ehm... sorry to interrupt but we've got some guests here....

??: (Came in) Leon!

Leon: Mum, dad, what are you both doing here?!

Lorraine: We came as soon as we heard the news about Violetta. (Went to Vilu)

Lorenzo: Darling are you alright?

Vilu: Yeah, I'm fine dad. (Smiled)

Lorraine: Well you don't feel fine my dear.

Vilu: Don't worry mum, I'm fine. I promise.

Lorenzo: I can't believe you Leon. How could you let something like this happen?

Vilu: No, no, this isn't his fault. Please don't blame him.

Lorraine: You're right. I don't blame him. I blame his actions.

Vilu: Mum...

Lorenzo: What about the baby? Is it alright?

Vilu: (Kept quiet)

Lorraine: No... please don't say it. Silence speaks louder than words.

Lorenzo: Leon, what happened to the baby?

Leon: (Sighed) It...

Lorraine: It WHAT?!

Leon: (Sighed) It.... died.

Lorraine: (Shocked) What...

Lorenzo: (Shocked)

Lorraine: NO.... it can't be.

Lorenzo: Violetta, are you okay?

Vilu: Yeah...I'll be just fine.

Lorraine: I'm so sorry for your loss.

Vilu: It's fine mum. Things happen.

Lorenzo: Leon, we need to talk.

Leon: For what?

Lorraine: We've got things to discuss.

Leon: NO. I don't want to. I know where this is going and guess what?! I DONT need it okay! (Went out)

Vilu: LEON!

Lorraine: Leave him. We'll take care of him later. He's always like that.

Vilu: No his not. Please don't get upset with him. It's not his fault.

German: Violetta...I Came to a decision...

Vilu: What?

German: After you come out of the hospital, you're coming to live with me.

Vilu: WHAT? Then how about Leon?

Lorenzo: He is going to have to live by himself or with us.

Vilu: But-

German: It's for your own good Violetta.

Vilu: But I'm married to Leon. It's not right if we don't live together.

German: After this incident, its clear that you both are not fit enough to live together in the same house or be married.

Vilu: Dad, how can you say such a thin? I thought you supported our relationship?

Lorraine: We do but we just want to keep you safe for now to prevent any other things from happening.

German: You're too young Violetta. You still have your whole life ahead of you. But since you're already married, this is the only option we have. .

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