Chapter 18: I'm doing it anyways

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Ludmi: I can't believe you said that.

Leon: (Shook his head) I've gotta go.

Tomas: NO, you're not going anywhere. We are going to settle this right here and right now.

Leon: There's NOTHING to settle about Tomas!

Lara: Actually there is!

Leon: Lara, just stay out of this.

Lara: I am NOT going to stay out of this. Your wife was about to kiss MY boyfriend.

Ludmi: Ex Boyfriend.

Lara: (Gave her a death stare)

Leon: Look, sooner or later you are gonna have to accept the fact that Violetta and Tomas love each other.

Lara: NO, I WILL NOT accept ANYTHING! Violetta has not only taken Tomas but you too away from me. You were my first love Leon, and now when I try to get another guy, he's in love with Violetta too? I'm so sick and tired of her getting in between ALL my relationships. Having someone you love being taken away by other people. Do you know how it feels like Leon?!

Leon: (Paused for a moment)

Lara: I've had 3 relationships Leon, out of all of them, 2 were in love with another girl and 1 cheated on me. Sometimes do you just wish you can love somebody unconditionally without worrying about.... THIS?! (Pointed her hand to Violetta and Tomas)

Vilu: ............

Leon: (Looked down and nodded his head)

Ludmi: (Held Leon) Leon, are you okay?

Leon: I'm fine Ludmila.

Ludmi: You don't seem fine.

Leon: (Shook his head) Lara, I asked you to find a good man that will treat you as good as I did. Unfortunately, this wasn't what I meant.

Lara: (Folded her arms and looked at Tomas)

Leon: Let me tell you something Lara. This is going to break your heart. Whatever it is, there is NOTHING you can do that will ever make Violetta and Tomas stop loving each other.

Vilu: Leon...

Leon: NO. I don't need your explanation. I still love you Vilu. I really do. But out of all the times that you've hurt me, today is the day that you really stabbed me in the heart. I trusted you Vilu. And you come and give me this?

Vilu: It's not what it seemed Leon. I swear nothing happened.

Leon: That was because Lara came in. What do you think would've happened if she didn't?

Vilu: It still wouldn't change a thing.

Ludmi: Violetta, stop lying to yourself already. I know this stupid story of you both so well. This is why I warned Leon and told him to come here.

Leon: Seems you were right Ludmila.

Vilu: He wanted to kiss me Leon.


Vilu: That's not true...

Ludmi: I'm so good at analyzing this, I knew what would've happened. And god proved my words. Now it's happening right in front of my eyes. I see two people here completely heart brokened because of your actions. This has to end.

Leon: I've been swallowing this situation for so long, your lucky I didn't suffocate and die.

Vilu: Leon, DON'T say that. Don't you EVER say that. I don't know what would've happened to me if I hadn't met you

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