Chapter 52: Trust and choreographies

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Vilu: I won't permit you to get any closer to him than you were just now. BACK OFF.

Andre: (Came in) Violetta, stop. You can't talk to her that way.

Vilu: (Kept quiet)

Leon: (Came) Violetta? What's happening?

Vilu: (Folded her arms)

Sophia: Violetta was just telling me to stay away from you Leon. But maybe you two should have this conversation. She's afraid she might loose you. Don't you think you should tell her that there's nothing going on with you and me?

Vilu: (Came forward) So you're gonna deny what I just saw?!

Leon: (Held her) Okay, that's enough Violetta.

Sophia: What you just saw is a dance practice between me and Leon and nothing more.

Vilu: So you're gonna deny you like him?!

Leon: Violetta, stop.

Sophia: I never said anything.

Vilu: You can fool anyone Sophia, but you won't fool me. I KNOW you like him. And I don't mind it.  But Let me make this clear to you  that if you go beyond your "working relationship" with him, you're gonna deal with me.

Sophia: (Scoffed) Whatever Violetta. (Went out)

Andre: Violetta that wasn't nice.

Vilu: Stop defending her Andre.

Andre: I'll defend her as much as I have to. She's innocent!

Vilu: I think it's best if you just leave Andre, please.

Andre: (Shook his head and went out)

Leon: (Stared at Violetta)

Vilu: What? Don't give me that look. Can't you see that she's trying to get close to you?

Leon: Violetta, that's enough. Stop thinking about Sophia please.

Vilu: I won't! You know WHY? Because she was about to kiss you!

Leon: No, that's not true. That's how you see it.

Vilu: So now you're defending her?

Leon: No one is defending her.

Vilu: Of course you are. I'm the bad girl and she's the victim.

Leon: I never said that.

Vilu: I don't know if you noticed, but I USED to be the victim, not anymore. I will fight for my rights and for the people I love. I'm not loosing you again. I won't let that happen.

Leon: That won't happen.

Vilu: You know Leon? I'm tired. Think what you want. I'm your wife. I'm the ONE you should trust. (Turned around and walked out)

Leon: (Sighed)


Vilu: (Sitting on the bed playing the guitar)

Leon: (Came in) Violetta, can we talk?

Vilu: I don't feel like talking about Sophia Leon.

Leon: I don't want to talk about Sophia. I want to talk about us. I don't like it when you're upset like this. I've always been honest with you. My relationship with Sophia is important to me. She's my working partner. And even if I do get closer to her each day, that won't change what we have. It's gonna be a long road but I choose to walk it with you by my side.

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