Chapter 2: It felt amazing

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Cami: (Smirked) Fran, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Fran: (Smirked and nodded) Yup...

Ludmi: (Smirked) Leon you dog...

Diego: Damn Leon, busy much? (Teased him)

Leon: What?

Naty: Wow Vilu, I can't believe it... (Smiled)

Vilu: What?!

Fran: Aw, don't "what" us Violetta. We know.  (Smirked)

Vilu: Know what?

Cami: (Poked her and smirked) You and Leon...

Vilu: Yeah...?

Ludmi: (Folded her arms) If Leon wore protection, then how on EARTH are you pregnant Violetta?

Vilu: Uh...

Fran: Maybe it broke somehow... (Gulped)

Ludmi: That's impossible. Only 2% to 3% of protections used break.

Leon: Why do you even care Ludmila? Its got nothing to do with you.

Ludmi: I know I said that I wouldn't pry but this I have to. I can't help myself.

Vilu: Ludmila, you do know that certain things in our lives are private right? So I don't think I'm gonna answer that question. (Walked to the table)

Ludmi: Oh come on Vilu. Your just shy to confess it right? Just admit that you and Leon did it more than 1 time.

Vilu: (Stopped walking)

Ludmi: I'm right aren't I?

Vilu: (Turned around) Leon, care to answer the question?

Leon: Ludmila...

Fran: Ludmila, I think that's enough. We shouldn't ask them any more than this. Its their lives.

Ludmi: I'm sorry but I just need to know. Its nothing shameful to say though.

Vilu: Leon, answer her question for me will you?

Leon: (Sighed) Yes Ludmila, we did it more than 1 time...

Ludmi: (Smiled) Oh really?

Fran: (Squealing) Omg so cute!!

Naty: (Smiled) Aww... So romantic.

Cami: (Chuckled) This is so exciting!!

All the boys: (•ิ_•ิ)?

Fran: Come on Vilu! (Pulled her upstairs)

All the other girls: (Ran upstairs behind her)

Broudey: Our girlfriends used to be normal right?

Diego: Used to.

Fede: (Taking chocolates from his pocket and eating it)

Maxi: Uh Fede?

Leon: What are you doing?

Fede: Eating CHOCOLATES duh.

Broudey: How many of those do you have anyway?

Fede: I don't know... 5? 6? A whole packet...?

Leon: Better watch it Fede. You wouldn't want to get diabetes or cavities would you?

Fede: Don't worry Leon, I know how much chocolate's I can take.

Broudey: So anyways, Leon, we need to talk.

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