chapter 26: Guess who's back?

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German: I CANT Believe this! I can't believe you lied to me!

Angie: German, let me explain!

German: It's too late for that now ANGIE! I cant believe you would do something like this to me! I can't even look at you right now.

Angie: (Held his arm) German please...

German: (Pulled away) Let GO!

Angie: But German-

German: You're not worth my time. I gotta go. I don't want to see your lying face ever again! (Went away)

Angie: ...........

German: (Snapped his fingers) Angie? Angie?!

Angie: ............

German: (Shook her) Angie are you okay?

Angie: (Looked at him) W-what? What happened?

German: You were standing there like a statue not saying anything. I was so worried. Is everything okay?

Angie: Y-yeah I think so.

German: What was so inportant that you wanted to tell me again?

Angie: (Hesitated) Oh...uhm that very grateful for everything that you are doing and I love you so much.

German: It's no problem. I love you too Angie. Now let's continue shopping shall we... (Smiled)

Angie: (Smiled) Yeah, you go ahead first. I wanna take a look at this section first.

German: Oh, well suit yourself. (Smiled and went)

Angie: ............

With Violetta and Leon

Leon: (Smiled) So are you enjoying your food?

Vilu: (Smiled) Enjoying? I'm not enjoying .

Leon: (Smiled) Oh, no?

Vilu: (Smiled) Nope.

Leon: Then how are you feeling?

Vilu: (Smiled) Lets see. I'm in a good mood, my husband cooked for me breakfast and I love him so much. So how should I feel?

Leon: (Smiled) Hmm, Thankful ?

Vilu: (Laughed) I feel more than thankful my love. I feel grateful to have you in my life. I don't know what I would do without you.

Leon: (Smiled) Me too.

Vilu: (Smiled)

Leon: (Got up) Well, I've got to go now.

Vilu: Wait, where are you going?

Leon: To my recording studio to pick a song for my next single.

Vilu: Can I come along? Maybe I will be able to convince Onika not to let you do the scene.

Leon: But you said you were fine with it.

Vilu: But I thought you weren't find with it.

Leon: But I told you I already am.

Vilu: I am too.

Leon: So...?

Vilu: I'm going there anyway. Let's go.

*Time skip*

Recording Studio

Leon: (Came in with Violetta)

Onika: Leon, you're just in time. We have lots of things to discuss. (Looked at Violetta) Ehm...Why is she here?

Vilu: (Smiled sarcastically) Nice to finally meet you in person Onika.

Onika: Eheheh yes, yes you too. I've heard alot of positive things about you Violetta. I must admit I am a fan of your work.

Vilu: (Smiled) Oh, really that means alot. Thank you.

Onika: Now Leon, have you decided on the song yet?

Leon: I don't quite remember all of them because I gave already.

Onika: To who?

Leon: To you...?

Onika: Oh Yeah that's right. Just a sec. (Shouted) MADDIE!

Maddie: (Came running) Yes ma'am?

Onika: Gather all of Leon's songs from the drawer now.

Maddie: On it. (Ran to the drawers)

Onika: So Violetta, I heard you're on a break. When are you releasing new music?

Vilu: As soon as possible. Music is my passion and I never want to stop. I hope to get back at it as soon as possible.

Onika: Do you have any old songs that you composed but never really put out as a single yet?

Vilu: Yeah I have alot.

Onika: Perfect. I was hoping if you could give one of them to Leon in case Maddie can't remember where she placed those drafts. She's just so clumsy and forgetful.

Vilu: Oh, sure...

Maddie: (Came) Ma'am I managed to gather all of these only. (Gave them to Leon)

Onika: Theres only 3. He composed 5.

Maddie: Oh my GOD what is WRONG WITH ME?! (Went running)

Onika: (Rolled her eyeballs) Everything. Now let's see. Which one do you wanna pick?

Leon: (Looked through it all) Well.... how about this one?

Onika: (Looked at it) Okay then. We'll go with this. Now let's get started with the recording. After that we have to discuss about the music video.

Vilu: Oh Yeah, about that. Uhm... is there a reason why you want the music video to be that way?

Onika: Yes, is there a problem?

Vilu: No, no it's just that-

Onika: I know where this is going Violetta. Look, it's only a music video. I hope you don't mistake it for something else.

Vilu: No, no..

Onika: Because I don't want a case where after the music video is shot and released, headlines come out saying you and Leon are no longer together because of the video.

Vilu: No, no I'm sure it won't happen.

Onika: Good because as far as I'm concerned, it's only a music video. So don't worry, I'm very sure that Leon won't ever forget you. It's only for work. I'm sure he'll be able to keep it professional.

Vilu: Of course, I understand.

Onika: Alright well lets get started.

??: Uhm excuse me?

Onika: (Smiled) Oh, hi. You must be Sophia.

Leon: Sophia?!

Sophia: Leon?

Onika: Oh, you two know each other?

Vilu: (Folded her arms) Kind off.

Onika: Oh thats even better.

Leon: Why is she here?

Onika: I signed her. She's on our label now.

Leon: What?!

Onika: And theres more great news.

Leon: What is it?

Onika: She's gonna sing that song with you as a duet and act in the music video too! (Smiled)

Leon: What?!

I'm going to bed now. Hope you like it.

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