Chapter 35: Joyful and steamy day

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Vilu: (Ran excitedly and gave him a big hug) I MISS you!

Leon: (Surprised) I MISS you too! What are YOU doing here?!

Vilu: What are YOU doing here?

Leon: I... don't know. Onika just asked me to come in here.

Vilu: Tanya asked me to come in here too. She said I had to wait here for a special someone.

Tanya: (Came in with Onika) That's right. There's your special someone. (Smiled and pointed at Leon)

Vilu: LEON is the special someone?!

Leon: I shouldn've known Onika!

Onika: (Smiled)

Vilu: (Smiled) I CAN'T BELIEVE you are here! (Hugged him tightly again)

Sophia: (Came in slowly)

Leon: (Held her) How did you make us meet together like this?

Tanya: Well, me and Onika are business associates. We can arrange anything we want to.

Onika: So Since you both are doing so well in your career's, we decided to reward you. (Smiled)

Tanya: I called her and told her that I would bring Violetta here and she agreed.

Onika: Anyways, you both deserve time together right? It's been 5 months. I know I wouldn't be able to stay away from my husband like that.

Tanya: We appreciate you both for putting in the effort and sacrificing your time together for 5 months just to pursue your music career.

Onika: That's something we admire very much. You both are very strong individuals so we've got nothing to worry about.

Tanya: That is for sure.

Onika: Speaking of worrying, Violetta are you okay right now? I heard about the whole Miscarriage thing.

Violetta: Yeah, yeah I'm fine for now. Thanks for asking. (Smiled)

Onika: That's great to hear. We don't want anything bad to happen to you all. Y'all are our number one priority.

Tanya: Okay, well enough chattering for now. You both go on and have fun. Be back by 4 right here. (Smiled and went with Onika)

Vilu: (Touched his face) I still can't believe I'm seeing you again. Is this a dream?

Leon: (Chuckled) If I can hold you then I think it's not.

Vilu: I really, really miss you like crazy.

Leon: (Sighed) Me too..

Vilu: Come on let's go have some fun together. We can go out or just spend some time quietly in your room.

Leon: I pick the second option. (Smiled and folded his arms)

Vilu: (Smiled)

Sophia: (Came) Ehem.... hi.

Vilu: Oh, Sophia hi. (Smiled) How are you?

Sophia: I'm good, how about you?

Vilu: I'm good too, especially now because I'm with this guy. Thanks for taking good care of him as you said.

Sophia: (Smiled) It was... a pleasure.

Vilu: (Smiled) Well, it was nice seeing you Sophia. Come on Leon.

Leon: (Turned to Sophia) Oh, uhm I'll give you the recipe later okay?

Sophia: (Smiled) Yeah okay.

Leon: (Went with Violetta)

Sophia: .................


Leon: Are you serious?

Vilu: (Smiled) Yup! My album has sold over 500,000 copies in Argentina.

Leon: Wow

Vilu: And it has been certified Platinum by the RIAA.

Leon: That's awesome Violetta. I'm so proud of you. My music video and song has been streamed more than 20 million times on Spotify and youtube.

Vilu: Wow, that's wonderful! We've been away from each other for 5 months but look what we gained.

Leon: Fame and accomplishments.

Vilu: But nothing is more rewarding than being with you my love. (Smiled)

Leon: (Laughed) So how is your dad and your family?

Vilu: They're fine I guess.

Leon: And Francesca? How is she? Is she still mad at me?

Vilu: I don't know actually. I rarely had time to talk to her. I was so busy with my work.

Leon: Really? You were that busy?

Vilu: Yeah. I stay up like until 11 to 12am to complete my songs. Then the next day I had to shoot the music video.

Leon: That's tough.

Vilu: Yeah, but luckily I managed to pull it through.

Leon: You know... I never thought I'd see you this early. I really forgot how it's like to... Wake up next to you or even be with you.

Vilu: Oh Leon... don't worry okay. Besides, I'm only going on tour in June. We have plenty of time to be together now. (Came closer to him and touched his body) What do you say once we head home... We make up for the lost of time?

Leon: (Stared at her face) I'm not complaining.

Vilu: (Whispered to his ear) You better not. (Kissed his cheek)

Sophia: (Came) Ehm, story to interrupt.

Vilu: (Turned around and smiled) Oh, hi. No you weren't. We were just talking and catching up with each other. Right Leon? (Smiled)

Leon: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Sophia: (Smiled awkwardly) Ehm... I'm heading out to town now. I was wondering if you both would like to come with me? I can show you around the city. Just a last minute touring.

Vilu: (Smiled) Oh, sure. We would love to. We'll be there.

Sophia: (Smiled) Great. I'll wait for you outside. (Went out)

Leon: You really wanna go?

Vilu: Sure. I love exploring places.

Leon: I'm kind of tired. After all I just came back.

Vilu: It'll be fun. Don't be lazy.

Leon: But I am Lazy.

Vilu: Yeah, in being romantic too. (Went out)

Leon: That is SO not True! (Went out after her)

Okay well I'm gone now. I have exams to do tomorrow and I haven't even learned a single thing. Hope you enjoyed it.❤❤

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